Henry's Journal 07-08


Well this is my third attempt at a journal so if I miss a day please give me shit.

I’m currently in week 4 of a 12 week GPP program and so far it’s been fine.

Today I have 4x4x40 hills I’m currently waiting fir a gap in the rain to get it done.


Never managed to do the above session so I did core and bodyweight session.

Saturday: off
Sunday: 13x200 @ 33sec, 3min recovery

4x10 Push up position
4x20 Push up position
4x20 High start
2x4x60 Eeasy fast easy

Weights: Legs
I’m experimenting for 3 weeks with double trisets
Leg Press 8
Squat 6-8
Leg Press 4-6
repeat x3

Hammy curls 8
Romainians 4-6
Hammy Curls 4-6
repeat x3

Something like that just getting big and strong. Weights have been very unstructured over this program mainly cause it’s hard to fit them in around work.

Well between rain and crashing my car I’ve managed to lose a week and a half of training. My sternum seems to recoverd enough for me to get back on track but most upperbody weights are out still.

27th June
4x30 High start
2x4 60 Limit accel to 30
Sternum was throbing throughout this session and i only managed one set of the 60s

29th June
2x20 High start
3x30 high start
20m finishing drills
1x20 build up
1x30 build up
1x40 build up

1st july
10x200 @ 30s, 2.5mins recov

Week 2nd-8th jul
4 x 20 PP
4 x 30 HS
2 x 60 20EFE
4 x 60 20FEF

2 x 30 HS
2 x 40 HS
2x 4x 60 LA40

2 20 HS
3 40 HS
1 20FD 20BU
1 20FD 30BU
2 20FD 40BU

Felt a little flat all this week and a little unfit but that was to be expected. I’m also feeling the benefits of the chiro I’ve been seeing for the past 4 weeks have much better timing and and even strength in each leg. I have 9x200 on sunday with 2.5.