Hemp protein


Has anyone used Hemp Protein? If so what are your opinions, thoughts, experiences etc,?

Any feed back is appreciated!


I actually got a free sample from them. It tasted pretty bad. I had it in water thoe. Its terrible but I mean its all organic and pure but still. It wanst horrible as in not drinkable I mean u can get by it.

hemp protein? sounds kind of silly in my opinion

No offence but that is a totally moronic statement.

My buddy worked for a supplement company and was researching the stuff around 4 years ago to possibly have his company start selling it. He got an amino acid profile and the stuff wasn’t missing anything. Also, if you were to eat the raw hulled seeds you’d get all the oils as well. You would do pretty well just by eating those and nothing else.

My other friend just started using it instead of the whey. I’ve tasted it before and it was pretty hard to stomach with water and was even hard to take a full serving in a fruit smoothy. He says this stuff he’s using tastes pretty dam good. I’ll have to try his cuz I’ll probably start using it more often than just the whey as well.

Currently I am using BSLs watermelon whey and it is the best tasting stuff on the market. So let’s get into whey vs pea/hemp/wheat

Whey has anabolic growth fractions vegetable proteins don’t

Whey has higher levels of antioxidant blocks

Whey has been designed to remove lactose

Whey has a better amino profile (davidson et al 1998)

Hemp is ok, just not better for athletes.

Here’s the readout from the container of Living Harvest Hemp protein.

Nutritional information per 30g serving:
Calories - 132
Total fat – 4.5g (0.5g saturated, 0.6g monounsaturated, 3.4g polyunsaturated)
Omega 3 – 0.8g
Omega 6 (2% GLA) – 2.6g
Sodium – 0.2g
Carbohydrates – 8.4g (5.1g dietary fiber, 0.9g sugars)
Protein – 15g
Vitamin A (beta carotene) – 7.2iu
Vitamin C – 0.6mg
Vitamin E (tocopherol, tocotrienol) – 18mg
Calcium – 3.6mg
Iron – 0.6mg
Magnesium – 300mg

I wouldn’t really call a 30g serving with only 15g of protein “high” in protein but I will say that the nutritional content is pretty dam good.

As far as whey and removing lactose, I’ll say that the hemp has no lactose which is very important for a lot of people that are allergic and can only take Rice protein. This will give them another option. Also Whey is weak when it comes to L-Glutamine and it usually needs to be fortified to even it’s amino acid profile out.

Sorry guys 4 my ignorance, but 4 me, Hemp isn´t that plant…?! :eek:

Lucky for us, oral supplementation of glutamine is not necessary, and in most cases, worthless.

Some links or references would be nice for that statement.

I’ve kinda been outta the loop a bit these past couple of years so if you know something share with the rest of us.

And, yeah it’s THAT plant. This one is a male plant andproduces seeds as opposed to buds. Those are the ones that people smoke.

I take hempseed oil and it tastes damn good.

Do a search, there was a thread on here earlier where I discussed it and posted some links. Also, head on over to bodybuilding.com on the supplement forum and read all about it.

Long story short: The only scientific evidence of any kind of benefits from supplementation of glutamine was found with intravenous injections on AIDS patients and burn victims who had massive GI tract trauma. Do the footwork yourself, head on over to PubMed and poke around.

It’s weird that so many people seem so stubborn to accept these findings, but I would imagine that most of them are people who don’t want to admit they’ve wasted money on a worthless product.

Here’s a few links just to get you started:



The first link is to a posting of several abstracts of scientific journal studies refuting the usefulness of glutamine.

Boy that YellowJacket guy doesn’t mess around does he.

The link to T-Nation goes nowhere.

Very interesting studies though. They cover almost all their bases. I personally don’t buy glutamine and only have a couple of times. I didn’t really notice anything with 20g a day.

But back to the Hemp protein, I’ll say that it’s almost a complete food and would fit well into anyone’s diet. I just don’t know if it tastes any better than it did when I tried it.

Let just say the taste is…“special” :frowning: !

2 year old post…

…but I tried some hemp protein and it’s pretty good. I don’t like whey because of the dairy associations and the congestion it causes in my system. Hemp seems to be a good protein source but it’s a bit more expensive. I found 5lb tubs for 50 bucks.

I have similar experiences, I have found whey makes me constipated and therefore fart a lot, and this is with claims of no lactose.

It must be something other than lactose that is having the effect.

Thought about using casein but I think it will be worse, what does anybody else think?

Used Caesin, was just as bad.