help with football lifting pleeze..

im doing pre season weight training for football right now but i can only get in the gym monday wednesday and fridays for about a 2 hours anyone no how i should split up my workouts? should i try and target every major muscle group every workout or should i do chest back and abs one day and so on.
also i was wonderin about rep and sets i split up them into 4 week cycles a 3x3 week a 5x5 week a 5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5 week but im not sure wut the reps and sets should be for the fourth week i was thinkin that i could have monday and wednesday (because on wednesdays i do powecleans and deadlift) be explosive speed workouts with reps from 4-5 and friday be more high weight with reps like 2-3
any suggestions?

Check some of Coach Davies articles on you may also want to check out some of the Joe Defranco workouts since his are footbal specific as well.


You could also try looking at some of Joe Kenn’s stuff that he uses at Arizona State. You may also find things listed under his “tier” system. I believe he uses a 3 day/week split year round…

Try either a full body workout with two days being heavy and one being light or try what I do which is a push/pull/leg split.

Joe defrancos westide for skinny bastards II would be good for you. YOu can modify it to fit your weaknesses. Its on

This looks like a BFS program? If you are a beginning lifter, pretty much anything will work. Get in the gym regularly and make sure you hit the ‘big’ exercises - squat, deadlift, bench, row. Once you stop progressing then worry about other schemes.

ya it is the BFS program, ive been doin it fo 2 years now so i figured that i try something new
the reason i wanna switch programs is bcuz i stopped progressing im only 15 soi havent lifted very long but my bench is stuck at 275 and my power clean at 235 so i figured a switch up would help