Help me lose TEN pounds

Hi guys,

I want to lose ten pounds.

Currently 195 BF is about 15% height is ~6 feet. Age 31

Typical diet includes:


Breakfast: 6:30am
Kashi Go Lean cereal (15 grams of protein)
2 slices of whole wheat toast with strawberry jelly
Big glass of skim milk
Small glass of OJ

Snack: 10:00am-10:30am eggwhite (2) on whole wheat toast

Footlong sub (subway or mr sub)
Usually turkey with whole wheat bread, turkey, lettuce, mustard and green pepper

large chicken breast or 3/4 pound of rainbow trout or salmon, fresh cooked veggies (beans, broccoli, carrots etc) sometimes a pasta or stirfry

After dinner snacks
I tend to eat a lot of cereal at night. Sometimes 2-3 bowls LOL! Also some fruit occasionally as well.

Workouts are generally:

speed (Max V and accel)
tempo (12 x 120)
speed (short Hills, 2 x 5 x 50 meter)
tempo (10 x 100)


Cut the cereal out !!! Try to add some cyan pepper to your meals. Maybe you can shit off the ten pounds :wink:

Seriously I cant see where you could cut more food out. Are you taking omega 3 oils? Maybe an early morning cardio session? I’d be starving if I was eating like that and Im a little guy!!!

i agree, the thing that jumps out at me is all the cereal at night. presumably you’re having milk with it which can have lots of sugar, plus if you’re having high GI fruits… more sugar. I would try shifting fruits and cereal to pre and post workout or early in the day, and tapering to veggies and protein in the evening, depending what your schedule is like.

Use some EFA’s and coconut milk.

I work out at night after work so that is when I am usually starving and eat all the cereal :smiley:

I basically work a desk job for 10 hours a day and then run after work and on weekends.

I can’t sleep when I am hungry so cereal/milk helps me settle into sleep mode :slight_smile:

I am open to suggestions and would love to see someone write up a plan for me. I would post pics but am too shy :wink:

You could try the SNAC proglycosin post work out drink. I have it after the gym then some ZMA. But guess what keeps me from pigging out… Going to bed early. When Im up late is when I go cooko for cocoa puffs and binge like crazy… I mentioned the fish oils b/c supposedly they help your metabolisim. I noticed the cuts in my abs more when I was taking them everyday. Maybe it was just me.

But seriously have your shake and try not to to eat late.


don’t be shy :smiley:

Are you guys kidding? What is this, weightwatchers?


What’s the problem Rupert? :mad:

I need to trim 10 pounds off to hit weight I was competitive at 10 years ago when I ran. During training especially top speed work I feel the extra 10 pounds. (accel work is fine)

What better place to ask about losing excess fat weight without losing muscle thank in the diet section?


No problem :slight_smile:


Typical diet includes:


Breakfast: 6:30am
Kashi Go Lean cereal (15 grams of protein)
2 slices of whole wheat toast with strawberry jelly
Big glass of skim milk
Small glass of OJ

Snack: 10:00am-10:30am eggwhite (2) on whole wheat toast

Footlong sub (subway or mr sub)
Usually turkey with whole wheat bread, turkey, lettuce, mustard and green pepper

large chicken breast or 3/4 pound of rainbow trout or salmon, fresh cooked veggies (beans, broccoli, carrots etc) sometimes a pasta or stirfry

After dinner snacks
I tend to eat a lot of cereal at night. Sometimes 2-3 bowls LOL! Also some fruit occasionally as well.

You could easily change it up to suit you. Here’s what I’d do without going too overboard. Days 1-3 eat like this:

Meal #1
Kashi (same)
1 cup cottage cheese
6 egg whites + 1 yolk
1 cup Hoods low carb milk

Snack: Same

Large salad - vinegrette dressing
Chicken breast, fish, or beef (6-8 ounces)
fibrous vegetable 1 cup

Keep it the same but stick with 1-2 cups fibrous veggies rather then pasta, bread etc.

Late night snack:
sugar free pudding or jello
1.5 cups Cottage cheese
splenda (or something similar)

Every 4th day go ahead and eat the way you normally would and go ahead and have some junk…on these days emphasize the carbs for glycogen replensihment.

It shouldn’t be too difficult and you oughta reach your goal in a couple of months.

great thanks for the info! :slight_smile:


Hi Chris,
Your diet and workout schedule seems fine to me. Do increase water intake, drink green tea after every meal and avoid beverages, soda and even diet soda.

Darrel you realize this thread is 7 years old?

This made me laugh.
thank you for that.

Chris30, did you lose the 10 pounds??? :slight_smile:

Lmao! Yea did u?