Height/ Reach /standing Vertical.

Since a particular member here (no need to mention names) does not beleive a 5’7 athlete can ONLY have a reach of 83" 6’11. Id like to know what everyones height reach and standing vertical jumps are. Ill start.
Lets also add your weight and 55 or 60 and 100 times.

Also id like to know how you guys measure reach. We stand against a wall put our 2 hands together overlapping coach pushes together our elbows if necessary and measure.

5’7 83" 32"
155 pounds
6.63 55
11.00 100

Height - 6’0" (or 72")

Reach - 7’11" (or 95")

Vertical - 35" (10’10" or 130")

height: 65.75" (almost 5’6) (closer to 5’6) @ 15 yrs.
reach: 81" (6’9)
standing vertical: haven’t measured in a while, but last time i measured (summer) i got to 9’4…112"-81" = 31"?
weight: 120 lbs.
100m: never timed one. 100 yd = 10.7

i measured my reach myself just now, with one hand stretching as high as possible. i figure one hand would be good since when you measure your vert you use one hand as well.

not sure what you’re looking at here quick, but i think it would be good to put your weight too. i mean, it’s a lot more impressive to me when a 6’, 240lb. guy can jump 35" off the ground than when a 6’, 140 lb. guy can jump 35". you get what i mean? both impressive feats, but the 240 pounder is just more beastly.

oh, and also just for comparison, 100m times would be cool too. just wanted to see the run fast jump high correlation. don’t mean to kill your thread quick :stuck_out_tongue:

good ideas ill add that now!


What are you looking for from your testing results?
Right now it reads like you just want a better time/height/distance, which is fine but to what end? The value in testing is the benchmark data that allows for more insight as far as where to go with the following training.

For example, VJ (more accurately stated as CMJ) gives you only a slice of info. By testing Static and Drop jump and cross referencing the 3, you start to see which of the 3 that you are genetically advantaged in and or which has benefited from the preceding training. If for example your CMJ is inches better than your Static Jump (sit in 1/2 Squat position for 4-5 sec before jumping for max height, to dissipate the elastic response) that indicates a strength deficit to address in the next phase of training.

You are a smart guy, are you using the results to look forward?

And I don’t fully agree with Ast’s comment on how “beastly” the big guy in the example is. A “big” guy as often sited on this site, can: rip off a pretty good 30m, maybe dunk a basketball, etc., just off from lifting. Where as the little guy is most often using lifting to facilitate the sprints, and or jumps like in your case. So a given week has to fit lifting and recoveries into an integrated plan that also has all the speed, blocks, relay handoffs, runway work, etc. Power output measured against bodyweight would be a better view of the question, but even then the height of C of M, and leverage advantage/disadvantage has to be considered what comparing folks of different morphologies (if that’s a word)

Are you working hard? Of course.
Are you improving steadily? maybe yes or maybe not so much?
Are you working smart? Now we are getting to the root question that testing is designed to answer.

Just like any fool can prescribe a workout to simply make you tired, testing is only as good as it is:
Specific-to event and goal
Consistent-so that testing sessions over time can be of value when compared
“Learned from” - such that you benefit by taking advantage of the info they provide

wise words :smiley:

just wondering though, what does CMJ stand for? and when i said the “beastly” thing i was thinking bodyweight:power output, but i you’re saying that a standing leap wouldn’t be the best indicator of power output, correct? and i’ve never done a static jump, but suppose one’s static jump and cmj were approximately the same? how would you increase elasticity? i’ll do a little searching myself, just wanted to know.

and quick, nice stats. is that you in your avatar?

Thanx. Yes that is me in my avatar

Counter movement jump.


That’s not a very accurate way to measure reach, with respect to VJ.

You can reach a good 3-4 inches higher with a single arm. Which figures, because my 2 handed VJ is 3 inches lower than my single arm VJ :slight_smile:

So maybe your VJ is only 29inches… :wink:

Height : 5’7’’
Reach : 84,5’’
VJ : 32’

And I don’t have a valid 100m time, I would guess around 11,5.

height 5-11.5
reach 94 (7ft 10in)
vertical 36"

CMJ will ALWAYS be higher than a static bent leg jump