Heavy step ups


Hmm, I never heard anyone have to yell “LIGHT WEIGHT” on stepups before.

Why are you walking so far forward to step up?
Move the box closer to avoid an accident. GOOD JOB.


Very good question.

Why is he walking so far forward, the question should be why is he walking so far backward to rack the weights…

damn that is sick, nice work.

i also like stepups (of course a little lighter) on to a 24" box…


Looks a little bit dangerous.

Safety in the weights room is something I am rapidly becoming more conscious of. I am very wary of squats, largely due to repeated subluxation (not sure if I’ve said that right) of my left shoulder, so I tend to deadlift instead. I am beginning to consider using the leg press machine, although I’m aware that I may perhaps lack the utilization of the fixators doing this. What do you guys think? I think those step ups looked very dangerous, and all it takes is one small accident and then you miss a large chunk of training!

Its not just safety but using such a heavy load and going to failure doesn’t have much specificity for track. This heavy step workout would leave you sore for days, so you would lose other training units after such a workout.

Good point

I agree with the safety issue, he’s probably doing it because the step would be about 4" higher if he brought it up onto the workout surface. As far as specificiy and soreness, I don’t believe step ups are any less specific than squats or other posterior chain exercises and soreness shouldn’t be problem unless this is a once a month exercise or something like that.

The limitation with step ups is that you can only really use it as a mass building tool. If you load the bar up with enough weight to be near your 1RM, it really gets risky. Roll an ankle, stumble forward over the bench, and that’s it for the season.

I don’t believe step ups are any less specific than squats or other posterior chain exercises and soreness shouldn’t be problem unless this is a once a month exercise or something like that.

Once a month whats the value in such a long break ?

He’s trying to say there shouldn’t be any soreness unless the movement is done once a month or with a very low frequency protocol.

Yep - I wonder how often this workout is done??

If I had to guess, once a week…

Is this person actually a 100m runner though?

I suspect that he might be a thrower…

I was going to say the same thing…he looks more like a thrower to me. I know sprinters who do heavy step ups but with the high knee action at the top while on the box…obviously with the amount of weight in the youtube clip this would be near impossible.

How much weight is the guy in the clip using?

plus, if you check the user account you’ll see other videos featuring lots of people throwing stuff…

There wouldn’t be. My point was that if this is a regular exercise, there should be no issues with soreness if it were performed on a regular basis.