Happy Birthday Charlie

From everyone here at the site, have a great day!

Best wishes to you.


Have a great day, Charlie! Thanks for all of the help, thoughts, and advice.



happy birthday Charlie. Take the day off with the family. Thanks for such a great resource.

Have a good one, thanks for all the assistance and info.

Happy Birthday from Greeceland as well :slight_smile:
You help make us all wiser.

All the best Charlie

Big-up to Charlie on his birthday. :smiley:

Great Charlie, Happy Birthday! :slight_smile:

thanks guys!

Happy birthday Charlie. Thanks for everything over the years!:slight_smile:

Yes, Happy Birthday CF. Thanks for continuing to provide your guidance in program design, etc. etc.

Happy birthday Charlie. And many more to come.

Happy Birthday. Best wishes Charlie!!!

Have a great Birthday Charlie!!!

Happy Birthday, Charlie!!!

happy birthday charlie :slight_smile:

best wishes, have a great birthday

have a good one! :smiley:

dare I ask how many candles?? :o

Happy Birthday from Tassie

happy biirthday…hope you can enjoy 100 of this days. and thanks for everything you made for the world of sprinting