Charlie’s words from the old hamstring thread:
“Start with 3 days total rest. (If you had just strained a few hours ago, I’d get you to run your hand over the area to see if there is/was a slight deficit- which would indicate a more serious 3rd degree strain. Such a deficit would rapidly fill with blood and wouldn’t be palpable within a few hours.) At this point, the main guideline is the severity of the pain at the time and whether bruising has appeared. Fortunately, you have two weeks to recover- the minimum time is 10days. On the fourth day (with the affected leg in a tensor), start one leg drills raising the healthy leg only. Depending on the level of recovery by day 5, you might be able to start with some easy 10 m accels. For these drills, always stand on the mark and accel only to the designated mark, to ensure that you don’t over-extend the affected muscle, with a walk back recovery. Start with 2 to 3 sets of 10 x 10 m accels, and advance the distance by 2m increments, as able. This is only a rough guideline and should be supervised by a qualified therapist.”
“Be very careful about stretching. It’s best to have a top therapist take you through progressive ranges of motion.”
“**2-3x10x10m Standing, increasing 2-2.5m as you feel you are able. You can do this every day, eventually increasing distance, lowering reps, and doing it EOD instead of ED.”