From a weight training standpoint I would not presume to instruct you on what to do as a whole because I would need to see your entire annual plan, including all training elements, to comment intelligently; and this, with all due respect, is beyond the scope of what I’m willing to do.
Keep in mind, however, that posterior chain work need not be emphasized much past GPP, for a sprinter performing a S-L program, in my view, due to the increased involvement of the posterior chain as the sprint distances become longer.
Speaking strictly from the standpoint of training for your PCL deficiency, it’s important for you to understand that the quadriceps will now become more important to assist in preventing posterior translation of the lower leg (since the PCL is compromised); however, as a sprinter you shouldn’t have to be concerned against encountering acute hyper extension traumas that are common in contact sports which may induce posterior translation of the lower leg.
So, if you are feeling fine and your sprint work is going well I would advise against adding extra work.
While certain patella tendon issues are more likely to flair up when the PCL is compromised- if your quad strength is sufficient I don’t see you having any problems.