Ground Contact

I have recently been unable to figure out whether or not I’m making ground contact correctly. Should I feel my leg extend almost like the way I come off of the ground in a burpee or should my leg feel more like a whip so that it doesn’t completely extend but I get more bounce off of the ground? My mechanics seem better if I run the first way but I feel slower and I feel like I am working my muscles much more. I don’t know how clear my description is but any help would be appreciated.

Your leg has to be like a spring, it comes tensioned to the ground and returns energy, it has to be stiff. No relation to a burpee at all if we share the same definition of that exercise.

Your footsteps should feel light and quick once you’re up at top speed. The muscles will quickly fatigue though, as they’ll get tired in a big hurry at top speed.

Thanks guys, it was probably a wierd question. I should be tensing my leg just before making contact.