
so i aggriavted my grade 1 groin injury by trying squats again. So once this guy goes back to normal with its chronic injury, then do i just stop the squats, should i just drop it? I mean squats is not necessary. only lifts im doing is cleans, and other upper body exercises.

in addition i have been under this groin healing since august. I trained under it didnt feel any nagging injuries or antything until i started to squat again, now i have this mild pain arrgghh fuck. These groin injuries never heal.

Mind you i have had a groin hip flexor injury on my right side, this time its on my left.

before looking at deleting anything look at the underlying causes of the injury. I know that you have said chronic, but what is cusing that. Is it flexibitility, muscle im balance, muscles not contracting properly or bones out of alignment. Because its a major problem no matter what you do or delete the problem will always nag you. Then if you know that you cant do anything about it, then start deleting things. If can do cleans and but not squats, thats kinda weird.

oh yeah muscle imbalance everything i have, all too expensive to fix, i was hoping for a not healing thing cause it wont since im broke. So just things to keep it from getting worse you know

I’d just stay away from squats for awhile.

How is your pelvis when you squat? Do you keep your low back really extended or neutral? How deep do you go and how wide are your feet when you squat? Do you do a powerlifter style or a body-builder style?

Give us a run down if you have an idea.

Need video

high bar stance alittle wide then shoulders, form is fine, the groin just got strained again thats all. I have anterior pelvic tilt, right leg shorter then left by 1cm seen by x-ray. I gotta wait till it heals enough to train, however pain free i would guess it would take anoter 4-7months.

I went over to the Lynn Valley Rehab and Performance Centre with a couple of my clients this summer. Both of them had groin issues and both of them were shown how to squat with a completely neutral spine. Almost flat. Both of them had problems holding the back flat while coming down to 90 and it was explained to me that when the pelvis is in this position the groin and other muscles are in much greater stress due to it’s position. The term Osteitis pubis was brought up a couple of times as well. See a description here

They changed a few things in their training and both are pain free. Give it a read and let me know if these are the kinds of problems you’re having.

so long as i have this anatomical leg discrepancy i will always have a problem like this. I just let it heal on its own. I try to correct my muscular imbalances best i can. Right now its the gluteus medius. Getting my transverse abdominus to fire properly as well. My back i keep it tight so it doesnt round when i go down in the deep squat position. However my adductors get hit hard, they along with the vastus medialis are hypertrophied but not significantly compared to the rest of the leg muscles.

For the squat i my back is hyperextended because i already have anterior pelvic tilt so it is over extended i would think when i bring my butt out to go down.

actually i just tried to bring my butt in rather then out to keep my spine in a neautral position because it already is extended somewhat from my pelvis tilt. I discovered not much pressure was added on the groin, no pain at all actually. I think by bringing my butt out i stretch it and as i go down stretch it further worsening the injury.

This is what the other guys were noticing as well. I was explained it and I understood it but I don’t know it well enough to explain it.

They were told if they can’t keep that back straight in the squat, don’t even bother. Don’t worry about the knees going over the toes when you’re trying to learn it. You can also do this to learn it.

great pic huh?

Give it a try.

Actually I can do it farily easy, i’ve tried it at my work with some bar and light weights and it was fine, i guess i have to ditch the conventional stick the bum out to go down style way of squatting.

With a leg length difference you will need a heel lift, i have the same problem but much greater ( 1 in). This will help correct that, youre glute medius is tight due to the fact that it has to contract while you are standing to keep your pelvis level. And so this travels up up your back causing back pain. Get a doctor to fit you for minor heel lift, also from personal experience i had major in the groin area from no lift, but once that was corrected my glutes and hamstrings were able to fire properly and i havent had an issue.

hey rainbow man, yeah i do have a heellift thankfully. I think its the bodies way going about things favouring the groin area, specifically the squats, however with sticking the butt in technique while going down i will see if it happens again. Fortunately its back to its normal state, i know its tight but i can aggrivate it again for sure, so i will just try the bar and see whats going down on this baby.