Grit Breuer, 33, annonced today her retirement because of various injuries, which made her training life impossible in the last couple of years.
Born in 1972, was a fantastic precocious talent (56.1 for 400m at age 13), she made the Olympic reserve in 4x400m GDR team in Seoul’88. Two years later she became European Champ at 400m in 49.50. In 1991, took silver with 49.42 behind Pérec, a time which remains a World Junior Record, only approached by Sanya Richards in 2004 with 49.89. Followed a suspension during which Grit chose to comeback serioulsy unlike Krabbe.
A finalist at 1996 Games, she became the next year World Champion at 4x4 and in 1998, 8 years after her first title, won the European Champs. World Champ finalist in 1997, 1999, 2001. World Indoor Champion 1999. Her personal will remain in history books as follow : 100m 11.13 (1990), 200m 22.45 (1990), 400m 49.42 (1991). Was known to be more efficient in relays than in individual races. Her long time coach was Springstein but they split last year i think.
I met her once this spring, she was shy but very friendly, her main concern was at least to be able to run. This season was an other one cutted short by injuries, mainly tendon if i remember correctly, while she was able to run close to 23sec and 51sec.
I spoke to her in 1997 (WC in Athens) and she was nice, indeed; she actually said she could have run better, when I congratulated her for her SB that day -gutted by 4th place (?). Apparently she was right (EC, 1998)! Worth talking to her after quite a bit of waiting to finish an interview… :rolleyes:
Her relays will be missed…
PS any info on her injuries, please post it! My German is not very good these days…
Her injuries are reported as a “dislocated disc” and also “degeneration” in her spine, doesn’t say whether bone or disc. Apparently the same problem for which she received surgery forcing her to miss the 2000 Olympics.
Thanks, KitKat!
It sounds somewhat serious! I hope it doesn’t disturb her every day life…
She had a Achilles surgery which worried her a lot (the right foot? can’t remember i confuse my left and my right, might by the left then). Along with spine problems she had somehting in her knee. Anyway the list is very long.