GPP Strength Training

Using sets of 10 I’d go:
High day 3-4 sets
Med day 2-3 sets
Low day 1-2 sets

I should note, however, that I always go lower reps with the squat for my guys.

So, assuming the percentage is the same for both, if the bench was sets of 10 then the squat would be sets of 6-7.

I do this for two reasons:

1- is that the legs take much more abuse during the training regardless if we’re talking American football or T&F

2- is that the MU demand is greater for the squat then the bench so the squat work, again if the percentages are the same, is inherently more demanding.

So if you want sets of 10 then I’d reduce the squat percents.

Alternatively, if you want to keep the percents the same then I’d reduce the repetitions per set