GPP Phase

Just getting log started up. I’m on week 4. Unfortunately, some problems have occured during this phase, and will have to adjust it accordingly. But I am going to set this up to hold myself more accountable to training.


  1. Warm Up
  2. Hill Work 4x(4x40m) 4.5/10 min
  3. Med Ball
  4. Plyos
  5. Weights


  1. Warm Up
  2. Tempo 8x200
  3. Hurdle Drills
  4. Abs


  1. Warm Up
  2. Hill Work 4x(4x40m) 4.5/10 min
  3. Med Ball
  4. Plyos
  5. Weights

Thurs: Have to skip tempo due to schedule problems.

  1. Hurdle drills
  2. Abs
  3. Med ball jump drills.


Had to skip training to get a job that I just got straightened out. I will be leaving the job next week, and plan to have another job ready before this week is over. It was the only weekened job I could find, but they expect employees to work 10-12 hours on Sat. which isn’t going to happen.

I also will have to cut Sat: Last week and this week because of the wack job. I will see how another job goes before that starts up again.

For now on Mon-Fri is how it is going to go.


Speed Work 4(4x40m) Break about 2-3/5-7
Med ball


Tempo: 8x200
Hurdle Training
Med ball throws

Wed, Thurs, Fri:

Pretty much crap. My intense days couldn’t be done because of rain (I use a tire). Also used this off day to apply for new jobs. Can’t wait to ditch this job after Sunday. So pretty much wasn’t able to do much. Also, this was an off week of my weights, so that wasn’t done either. Hope to do next week good.


  1. Hill work
  2. Plyometrics
  3. Med Ball Training
  4. Weights


Hurdle work
Med ball throws


Speed work
Med Ball Training


Hurdle Work
Med Ball Throws


No Hill work; I got little sleep last night, and feel pretty dead.

I did do this though:

Med Ball Work


Worked a 10 hour work day at my car wash job, WITH NOT ONE BREAK. That is purely illegal. I did ask to go on break, but he didn’t let one person go.


Didn’t show up to work. Will be probably telling the manager I’m leaving the job. Doubt he noticed I wasn’t there Sunday, because it is more like a job you just show up to. Anyways, after I will be reporting this business as soon as I can.


Basically I’m overwelmed with crap. I should train today, but I’m not. I have way to much crap going on in my life. I’m looking for another job, a weekend job. I also need to complete my final college applications to ship out today. Also, today, my pre-paid credit card didn’t go through at the grocery store, to put a cherry on top of this great day, causing me to have to go back to my house, pick up cash, and come back to pay for my food. It was just annoying to have to do that. I can’t wait to get this crap behind me, get a good hour paying job, THAT ALLOWS BREAKS TO EAT, and be able to live my life again. Today, school was off for a teacher work day though.