Gold (coast) For Tatiana Grigorieva ;)

OLYMPIC pole vault silver medallist Tatiana Grigorieva is moving to the Gold Coast in the hope of reviving her career and reclaiming her world-class form.

The 28-year-old Russian immigrant will arrive on the Coast late next week to set up her pre-Olympic training base.

She has chosen the Gold Coast ahead of other Australian cities, and ahead of Italy where her athlete husband Viktor Chistiakov will train with their main coach Vitali Petrov.

It will be the first time in the couple’s 12-year relationship that they have been apart for more than two weeks.

Speaking exclusively to The Gold Coast Bulletin, Tatiana revealed the driving force behind her tough decision. The time has come, she says, to be selfish and to make no compromises in her battle for Olympic gold at Athens next August.

“We have been married almost seven years and together 12 years - it’s a very, very big step for us,” said Tatiana, who has been plagued with injury and poor form.

"We’re both realising what we’re doing. It’s not going to be very easy.

"We’re probably not going to see each other for the next three or four months. It’s the best decision.

"Next year is huge, very very big in terms of competition.

“We can’t compromise on anything, both of us must try to do what’s best for each other.”

While the decision to leave her husband and her home was difficult, Tatiana says the decision about where to base herself was easy.

She first fell in love with the Gold Coast when she visited many years ago for a competition. Since then she has been a regular visitor to the Coast and like so many visitors has fallen in love with the amazing beaches and laid-back lifestyle.
