Go Blue

A lot of it is coaching. Their fundamentals are terrible. I see 8 years old who know how to hit and WRAP. Going for the kill shot is ok once in awhile, but not every play. Leads to lots of YAC. Cameron Gordon can you hear me? RR just needs to hire a good D coordinator and stay out of his way. Guys ego wont let him though. If I were Dave Brandon, those would be my conditions as the only way he keeps his job. The 335 is garbage. Sure RR ran it in the Big East, but that is a B-Ball conference. I also don’t remember his D being any good there wither. He took a Lloyd cast of in Ryan Mundy. He goes there and is a star but couldn’t cut it at Michigan. Guy needs to check his ego at the door. He sure thinks he had a great week. Got a pass by NCAA and eeked out win against middle of the road team. He best stick it to Purdue because those are likely his last wins this year.