Glucose Content of Sports Drinks

What is the glucose % content of our most common sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade?

Drinking carbohydrate drinks with 7% glucose content duringthe match (a study done on soccer players) helps to spare stores of muscle glycogen and thus increase the distance players can run with maximal speed duringthe match. The average pace of playing and the speed of recovery are also improved (Chmura 1997).

Drinks with a higher glucose content, for example 10% instead of helping have a detrimental effect on performance because the high glucose content increases the release of insulin which lowers the blood sugar level and the amount of free fatty acids needed for aerobic efforts (Chmura 1997).

None of this is new however…
Again my question is… How does one figure out the glucose content of their workout drinks?

look on the side of the bottle, grammes of carbohydrate per 100ml - 6g then 6% solution etc.