Gettin' Lean

So here’s the story…

I have a three week holiday coming up and plan to get into some serious preseason sprint work as well as plenty of lifting. Probably 12 track sessions (150’s, 200’s, 300’s etc.) and 9 gym sessions over the 3 week period. Admittedly I have gained a few extra pounds during the offseason :frowning: and I’d like to get back into some sort of race shape. I’m 5’ 10" and currently 76kg, whereas I was closer to 70kg this time last year. For what it’s worth I think my bodyfat is somewhere around 15%.

At the moment my diet is pretty poor, mainly out of convenience. I drink alot of milk, particularly the flavoured kind and this is more often than not a substitute for breakfast. With track work between 7-9am and gym between 4-6pm, I’m considering an ultra-low intake diet; high protein shake post-workout (twice a day when applicable, Hydroxy Rip?), salad roll lunch, and some type of meat with vegetables for dinner. To be honest my knowledge of nutrition is pretty minimal, but I’m wary of the affect poor diet can have on someone who is training heavily, especially when in calorific deficit. Thoughts?

I wouldn’t go ultra-low!

You’re about to go low cal, while INCREASING you’re training!?

Clean up you’re eating and just eat regular amounts.

Real simple: Stems and Hearts.

If it has a stem attached to it - EAT IT!

If it came from something that had a heart when it was alive - EAT IT!

Use your head man. When did you ever see flavoured milk come out of a cow???

If you follow the above 2 guidelines, it is very difficult to over eat. Try it. I dare you.


Real simple: Stems and Hearts.

If it has a stem attached to it - EAT IT!

If it came from something that had a heart when it was alive - EAT IT!

Use your head man. When did you ever see flavoured milk come out of a cow???

If you follow the above 2 guidelines, it is very difficult to over eat. Try it. I dare you.


dude…your so naive…:slight_smile: (no offence, just joking)

i can eat over 4000kcal of healthy food with EASE.

i mean throught a day the following:
6 apples, 6 slices whole wheat bread with honey, four bananas, 600gr chicken breast, four table spoons of tahini (its like natural penut butter but made out of semolina), 400gr cottage cheese, 400gr oats totaling more than a litter and a half of milk

oh, and i seem to gain fat at 3000kcal (dont ask)

ive done it, trust me, i have an endless pit of a stomach

Personally I recommend looking at carb intake- notice I am not saying to ELIMINATE carbs, but sometimes it is useful to reconsider when you are eating then and adjusting where the bulk of them come from. I avoid white pasta, bread, and rice, and always look for the whole wheat alternatives. I try to get lots of carbs from fruit and veggies, placing fruits either in the morning or immediately before or after a workout, and then switching to veggies in the afternoon and evening. I also taper off with dairy as the day goes on.

If you cut calories too far, your body will consume muscle- you may drop weight, but the body composition may not be what you’re looking for!