This is what I’m looking at doing before I head off to Virginia Tech to run for them {hopefully}. Quick background… I am 21, turning 22 on Jan. 16th, I ran one year back in high school for my Sophmore year which I would of lettered in but took a nasty fall half way through the season which cut my season short. All I ran was 100 and 200’s and our coaches never taught us how to set up or how to come out of the blocks or how to do hand off’s. My fastest time in the 100 was 11.8 but that was the race where I took that fall at the end off the race and plus I had a horrible start as always. That was also when I was only 140 lbs. I know I am able to score a higher time but I just need to get my head set on a hella good program. I do have Charlie’s e-book on the way and here is what my current routine is. This is my Semi-bulk phase that I’m going to do for about 2 months then really hit the sprinting routine:
Day 1- {3 sets, 10,8,6 reps}
low cable crossovers
lateral raises
Day 2- {3 sets, 10,8,6 reps}
straight bar curl
hammer curl
e z bar curl
skull crushers
rope pulldown
close grip bench
Day 3-
stair hops 5 sets of 20
3 step vert jump 3 sets of 3
broad jumps 5 sets of 5
line jumps 2 sets of 20
Day 4- {3 sets, 10,8,6 reps}
seated rows
pull ups {3 sets to fail}
hang clean
Day 5- {3 sets, 10,8,6 reps}
leg extentions
leg curls
standing claf raises
seated calk raises
And here is what I have in mind after bulking:
Day 1- {3 sets 10-15 reps or fail}
single leg extentions
single leg curls
calf raises
Day 2- {3 sets 10-15 reps or fail}
straight bar curls
e z curl
standing arm swings {4 sets of 60 secs}
Day 3- {3 sets of 3}
flying 30’s
flying 30’s uphill
various abs
lat raises
{I do need some other ideas what to add to this day for sprint drills}
Day 4- {3 sets 10-15 reps or fail}
lat pulldown
pullups {3 sets to fail}
french curls
bar push downs
reverse grip bench
Day 5- {3 sets 10-15 reps or fail}
box step up w/weights
box jumps
hang clean
military press
Any input would be great as far as changes or anykind of tips or routines!