"Fundamentals" Speed and Strength DVD

Good stuff.

All those hip mobility exercises are money in the bank. I never realized how much of a difference they could make but now I’ve got the mobility of Gumby. I also tried that “stomp the ground” when you’re running drill and it works like a charm, so effortless and such a big improvement in my acceleration was immediately noticeable.

My favorite part of the whole DVD though was the saying “What are those dickheads doing over there with the sticks?” I’m a little confused about who these dickheads are? and why were they carrying sticks? haha… That was funny stuff. :slight_smile:


Dickhead(s): A group of people or an individual that consumes ALL resources available. In this case Charlie was simply looking for a hurdle stick.

Sticks: The cross bar of a hurdle. We like them to demonstrate angles visually.

Hope this helps


I know you have some of the movies, which would you recommend to somebody looking to design their own GPP, SPP, and pre/in comp phases?

GPP has a whole GPP phase written out for you in it. Van 04 has a whole SPP1 for both short to long and long to short plus a plan of the entire year in terms of what goes where and when.

From these you can work out a full schedule.

The graphs at the back of Forum Review Ebook are also essential reading for these topics.

I have ST, CFTS, and the Forum Review, but no dvds… yet. Thanks for the info.

Echoing Blinky, I especially enjoyed the coaching on proper acceleration mechanics. It has made a dramatic improvement in my force application into the ground and made the action much easier as well.

Are the acceleration mechanics similar to the GPP DVD acceleration mechanics?

Flash, could you share some more?

The Fundamentals DVD covers Charlie specifically coaching Ashley on how to modify his acceleration mechanics to achieve better force application and easier movement. The GPP DVD does not include that type of coaching.

In a nutshell: cock the foot and step straight down.

Charlie explains the mechanics of what’s happening, and you can see a significant improvement in Ashley’s acceleration after he makes the modifications.

Sorry Dav, I missed your post somehow… I would definitely get the GPP dvd because it gives you an exact outline you can follow and it goes over the basics like med-ball work, ab work, tempo, warm-ups 1 & 2, hill work, speed,… pretty much everything in your program is laid out in this dvd.

The fundamentals is a bit more specific and it goes over starts, acceleration, hip mobility and weights. There is a fair amount on the starting blocks so this would be good for SPP and comp.

Those are the only two I have so I don’t know about the Vancouver dvd’s. With every dvd I’ve bought I pick-up little things that make a world of difference in my program. I’ll probably end up getting the whole collection.

In brief:

The Vancouver seminars cover theory and planning.

The GPP DVD covers demonstration of the techniques used to implement the plan, with some discussion of planning as well.

The Fundamentals DVD covers the coaching of a specific athlete regarding a particular skill or technical area.

Part of the point of making the fundamental series is to show how individual correction are made to address individual problems

On that, Charlie, I noticed a slight difference in the warm-up regarding straight leg hamstring stretching -via PNF- in the GPP DVD (not preferred) vs. the Fundamentals (stretching done).

Why was that? Different needs on flexibility on this specific area? Different time-point in the warm-up? Different training period (e.g., closer to races)?


Combination of all of the above. as a rule, it’s more likely to use active ham stretches closer to comp but it’s individual as well.

I’ll stick with the “individual” issue ( :slight_smile: ) as last season for two athletes I got completely different results -as in love it, or hate it- for different phases. Hence, my question above…