Friend needs help

Hi. Can anyone help me with advice on which supplements to take.

I eat salads, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, etc all good stuff and very little junk. I tried vitamin tablets but did not notice anything.
I am currently lifting heavy weights mixed with sprints, punchbag work and a little jogging. My goal is to bulk up and strength.
For every advocate of a certain supplement there seems to be a lot of people disagreeing. For example creatine , some say it is good some say it is bad for the liver and i heard it is banned in places. I am currently just taking a basic multi vitamin-mineral.

Many thanks.

A good protein powder. Look up ZMA, I love the stuff.

People will always disagree with certain supplements. Creatine isnt banned anywhere, its fine to take. As far as I am aware, there is no evidence to suggest that creatine supplementation causes any long term damage to any organ, including the liver.

What supplements you take depends on what you want, and your budget. I would recommend creatine and protein as absolute basics to get you started, then you can build up with other things, like L-glutamine or branch chain amino acids, or ZMA. A multivitamin is always good, maybe a vitamin C tablet too during tough winter training periods, though recent evidence may suggest this makes no difference!