Frequency drills

Charlie you have spoken about drills to enhance stride frequency in response to a question asked on T-nation:

“Drills are available to train frequency and stride length independently. “Quick leg drills,” with very short steps done as fast as possible over a very short distance, enhance frequency. The emphasis must be on complete relaxation and rhythm. A typical workout might be four sets of six drills over 10 to 15 meters with one to two minutes recovery between reps and three to four minutes recovery between sets. These drills would be done only on pure speed training days, not with speed endurance”

I have 3 questions to ask

  1. Are these drills done before or after speedwork?

  2. You say 4 sets of 6 drills, do you mean 6 different types of drill? If yes could you give an example of the other ones?

  3. Are theses drills done all year or only at certain times?

Thank you

1: At the completion of the full warm-up but before other speed work for the session.
2: I’m referring to quick leg drills only- sorry if that wasn’t clear. The number of drills to be done is based on the stimulus required and if normal speed work is to follow, only a few would be done but if the session was to be devoted only to frequency, a fair number can be done because they can only be of an extremely brief duration before rythem is lost.
3: The drills would likely only be done for brief periods and not all the time.
Everything must suit the individual and his/her needs.

what would be some examples of quick leg drills? like quick skips and foot fire with short GCT?

I would assume quick step similar to ankling.

Many thanks Charlie, that cleared it up for me.