free agent tryout

i have a free agent tryout coming up really soon, checkout my lastweek of training and tell me what u guys think… very similar to what i have been doing.


jog 3min
dynamic lap
leg swings
runners strecth
top taps 2x15
fast hips 2x10
highknee fast tempo 2x10
quick feet 2x3
fast leg alt 4x4
fall start 4x10
mb start 4x10
3-4x40 focus on drive phase
runners strecth
mod inch worm
calf walk 200yds

jog 3min
dynamic lap
leg swings
runners strecth
top taps 2x15
fast hips 2x10
highknee fast tempo 2x10
quick feet 2x3
seated arm swing 3x10sec
dou leg hop height 4x4
shuttle 3xeach
runners strecth
mod inch worm
calf walk 200yds

jog 3min
dynamic lap
leg swings
runners strecth
top taps 2x15
fast hips 2x10
highknee fast tempo 2x10
quick feet 2x3
fast leg 4x4
fall starts 4x10
3 point starts 4x20
1x40 relax
runners strecth
mod inch worm
calf walk 200yds

bike 20min

hang snatch speed 3x3x50%
stiff dead (more for strecthing) 2x6
bench press (submax weight) 3x10
pullups 2x6

hang snatch speed 2x3x50%
bench press (submax weight) 2x8

How come you don’t go heavy for a few reps on leg excersises such as deadlifts?

what would be the point at this time to do heavy deads which i hate or squats?? i just dont see the point of me squatting over 500lbs doing my lastweek of training. bc i am just trying to stay sharp. i was thinking about adding in some spilt squats just to strecth out the hip flexors, but decided not to bc my dynamic lap includes lots of lunges forward/backward/sidewards. since im trying to mini taper less work is better. my body dont repsond well to low heavy reps doing peaking.

Looks like you do alot of CNS work several day in a row…

How about speed, plyos, weights on evry other day…with tempo work in btween…

How long before the tryout?

These are good points, but respect the fact that any changes made to the training at this point would have very little contribution to actual performance. Too close to the tryout to be learning, or practicing, new things.

there is more then one way to skin a cat, almost 100% of colleges in the usa do speed on mon/thur and agility on tue/fri it havent hurt me in 4yrs. we do some tempo runs during certain part of the yr. we do cns work everyday for last past 7 weeks we have done speed on mon-thur, agility an plyos tue-fri also we lift mon-tue-th-fri doin a squatting-pushing-pulling movement each session. what i mean by squatting movement is mon- bsq, tue- walking lunges, thur- spilt squats and fri- squat complexes where we would do 4-6 movements back 2 back for 4-6 reps its a killer and it builds a huge base. our coach always say "if u want to reach high goals remember that u must build a large base first…

Thats the same exact shcedule as Sports Speed book by George Dintman. What do you do for agility?

these days my agility drills were proagility/l drill/60yd shuttle mainly the drills i were tested in. along with my runningback patterns.

Well…the thing is with football you need more mass than is necessary for speed…look at the fastest corners and wideouts and they are really pretty light compared to the rest.
If I were a wideout or DB I’d lean more toward a CFTS workout with maybe a little more emphasis on hypertrophy…I mean you don’t really need any special endurance so just work on acceleration-deceleration in all directions…you could certainly structure that within a CNS sparing workout…just because everybody does this and that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be structured better…alot of football training is historical and habit.

like i said earlier there more then one way to skin a cat, this is the way our coach has had success with and it seem to work well for me also. in our yearly training we rarely stress hypertrophy our moto is if u want to get bigger increase your squat volume and that doesnt mean reps just overall volume/increase food intake. below i will give you an example of a squat workout and a tempo running workout from last summer early phase. also note we squat ass to calves always and when we come up the plates have to rattle

bsq: 8x40/6x50/4x55/3x65/4x5x70
tempo running: total volume 1280 yds:
tempo running 80% stay on balls of feet and run with good tech. after completion of the rep turn and walk to the closest 20yd line and back to the goal line.

Was “Mad Dog” your strength coach? I say that with utmost respect.

tempo running: total volume 1280 yds:

Somebody’s been reading the CFTS. :slight_smile:

why u say that??

Man the only thing matters is the 40 yard dash. So concentrate on that and that only. No need to get all big and swole when you get to the league its not about how big you are is about making plays and getting to the ball.

yes the 40yd dash means alot but u also have to be big. scouts now days want the bigger faster stronger player. i have put on 17lbs and drop my bodyfat % in 4 weeks and still kept my speed. and yes u r 100% correct its all about making plays…

Good job putting on that mass and still staying fast…GOOD LUCK on your try out…git er done

thanks man…

just wanted to update everyone on my lastweek of training. mon went ok i did 4 timed 40yds with my track spikes on but they didnt have the spikes in fastest one was 4.40 i would give mon a grade of B+. tuesday was not that good bc my calves were really sore and i really didnt have the juice i needed. i would grade tue D+. im debating what i should do today bc i know for sure i will bike and strecth tomm. so if anyone have any tips give me a holla.

I’ll try to get back to you this evening. Been super busy.