
Sprints over 45 yards. The last clip is the 25-35yard split, I believe.

Please critique my form, thanks.

Sorry to harp on this again, but the way people shoot their videos can either yield lots of info or very little info. I understand that some people do not have a friend or coach to video tape themselves, but having a camera on a tripod without zooming in or panning with the athlete makes it very difficult to see what is actually going on. And, shooting at a frame rate of any less than 30fps misses a lot of good information.

I remember reviewing video with Charlie and how he was saying that even 30fps misses a lot of good information. The video smooths out potential problems in technique.

If you want good, comprehensive feedback, try to shoot in 30fps format. If you are running 30m, have the cameraman (or woman) stand at about the 20-25m mark, and at least 20-30m back from the lane you are running in (i.e. capturing the profile view off to the side). You can zoom in for the first 10m, and than zoom out gradually as the athlete approaches 30m.

This will be a bit help for those of us who want to provide valuable feedback (including the big man himself, Charlie). I’ll post some samples of video I shoot at workouts.

Sounds good. Thanks for the advice.