Football Testing Tomorrow

i just found out today that the first set of testing for the team is tomorrow. so it will include agility, bench, 40, and vertical. i did bench yesturday. so i am kinda worried about that.
what are somethings i can do to prepare myself for tomorrow to perform at my best?
thanks in advance

shoot man u just need to relax dont do much of anything today except maybe jog get loose. Tommarrow u need to just get warmed up befor ur events but stay away from static stretching do active stretching stuff that gets ur muscles warmed up and loose without pulling directly on them.

yeah, for sure about the dynamic stretching.
thanks man
anything else?
i guess i should just relax. it has been so long since i have played because of my injury.

dont stress it, maybe u could do some run throughs just to get back into it again tommarrow…i know how it is to sit out because of something…but hey once u do it it will be like riding a bike, it will come bqack to u.

Hot and cold shower to loosen up and speed recovery (check the archives)

thanks alot guys. will check the archives.

those take forever.