football teams program....

I was in class today and i started talking to one of the football players on the team that i will be trying out for this spring to get a feel for what kind of training they’re doing. Well, take a look for yourselves…

Workout on Mon, Tues, Thur and Fri.

Mon- chest, triceps

Tues- Back and Bis

Thur- Shoulders

Fri- legs

He said that only did one set for each movement of 10-12 reps

I asked him if they did any oly lifting and he said “no”

It seems to me that they are putting alot of non functional hypertrophy on their athletes. Maybe thats a part of why they only won 5 games last year!

Oh, and i asked him if they do any speed work, he said that it was against NCAA rules to do any kind of speed work before March or something to that sort.

But my question is whats to stop you from working on speed on your time?

I dont like what i heard. what are your guys thoughts

I’m not sure that the NCAA requires you to train stupidly.

Was it a DI school? Which one?

Looks pretty much like a bodybuilding split.

Maybe not the rules, but NCAA politics seem to demand stupid training.

That programs makes absolutely no sense! Please don’t tell me it is the Penn St. program. I’m going to the USC seminar this weekend, and that is what I would consider a good program. Acudave

I think he has his facts wrong in saying “no speed work until March”-I’ve never heard of such a thing. That is assuming that they actually know what speed work is-doubtful.

I wish I could go to that. USC has to have one of the best S&C programs. It’d be cool if you could give a little report on it.

I played D1 football, and most of your conditioning and speed work will happen before the spring, because around March and April is when most schools put the pads on for thier spring practices.

It’s not D1 its 1-AA, but the kid that i was talking to is a transfer from a D-1 school (Toledo) which he stated that the training is pretty much the same.

He also told me that the players here are much different, attitude wise, from a D1 school. He says they are much less focused, saying “you have to twist someones arm just get them to train.” Again, I refer to the 5 wins. He said the entire thing is put together much more like a high school program.

I would probally get kicked off the team within a week.


I was told by a coach in another sport that the first 3 months is conditioning work and the month before comp is when the skill work starts.

Conditioning refers to regular 8-12km runs down to 400m interval work. No speed work or thinking about the sport!!!

I was also told if I didn’t train I wouldn’t be playing, so I’m not playing. Why does the team need a tagger and hard man for!

Attitudes need to change of people who put together programmes. People think this worked for such and such so it will work for me.

What sport? (What Crap!)

Has to be soccer…

Field Hockey. I play defensive midfielder of sweeper.

In previous years I have had the best acceleration and almost always got the job on the best attacker.

All this for an overweight hammer thrower who would run 5 kilometres in 23 minutes.