Football Camp and Inseason training

I have read a lot about charlies thoughts on regeneration peaking tapering training for football in general and in the off season, but what about with camp coming up in 2.5 weeks for high school athletes.

  1. Tapering some things for camp and accumulating SPP work to remove adaptation stiffness.

  2. Getting ready for the grueling nature of two a days.

  3. Perhaps EMS for recovery and a little bit of strength in order to provide maintence.

  4. Regeneration stuff. Ice and epson salt baths, contrast showers, sauna, ART, massage accupuncture etc. I have seen the recovery DVD and understand how this stuff must be implements but what about in a camp setting.

  5. following camp peaking for the first game in 5.5 weeks.

  6. In season training…maintaining tempo, some max speed or 30s during bye weeks or easy practice weeks

Are you crazy, stay away from speed inseason. If your coaches don’t kill you with after practice conditioning sessions you may be able to perform some easy tempo runs day after the game or weight circuits. I would keep all squatting to once a week while using 60-75% of your 1rm.

I wouldn’t even try to ADD work on top of what you’ll be doing (if you are in a typical high school program). Get as much therapy from as many varieties as you can. Starting most easily with contrast therapies, ice baths, foam rolling, light stretching/yoga, and then into massage/ART/etc.