Flying 20's

I am curious on how to run these flying 20’s. Do you sprint,jog,sprint, or jog,sprint,jog? Any feedback would be great .

What you describe is the fast-easy-fast (FEF) and easy-fast-easy (EFE) drills, although I wouldn’t exactly jog the easy part. Flying 20s or any flying distance can also be done via jog-run-sprint or just run-sprint, with the build up distance being anywhere between 20 to 60-70 m. I hope this helps.

I find it best with a shorter build up distance and not being at 95% speed but rather about 80%.

But basically as explained above… build up for certain distance then sprint for a certain distance. Objective is to have a rolling start + not go through a big acceleration, to put focus on top speed only.

The whole idea is to have a longer, more gradual acceleration during the leadin than you might otherwise, and reach a higher Max Velocity.

You don’t accelerate as hard as during a race, but you want to reach maximum velocity at the start of the 20 meter section and maintain that velocity through the 20 meter section.

The length of the leadin depends on fitness level, with faster people needing longer leadins to reach maximum velocity, and slower people not being able to handle longer leadins without slowing down (already past MaxV).