QUOTE=scarface]For starts, a person that speaks english as a first language that can’t pronounce simple words like N-U-C-L-E-A-R does not reflect intelligence.
Stephen Hawking has a speech impediment. He can’t speak his native language at all. He seems to do physics quite well though. Are you saying there is some correlation between the ability to speak well and intelligence? Are all deaf people who are deaf also unintelligent? Are all people who may have a degree of speech impediment also unintelligent? Probably better rethink that point. :o
- His ignorance of the basics of history is a pretty clear example of the ways in which his little mind is just not up to the job of President. In February, for example, Bush lectured the Japanese parliament about how the United States and Japan had been allies “for a century and a half”, when in fact, the US and Japan have only been allied since after World War II, which ended just over 50 years ago. You’ll also remember when he was campaigning to be President, Bush had no idea who the President of Pakistan was, even though the military coup in Pakistan had recently been front-page news. Campaigning for President and not bothering to read the newspaper sounds pretty stupid to me.
I would check your historical facts on this also. Perhaps a reading of U.S.-Japanese history as a whole, not just post WWII would be in order. Also, read why Kerry had not, over a several month time period, had a security breifing done. Campaining for President and not being breifed on the nuclear threat from North Korea, events in Syria Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Chechnyia, Russia, Bosnia ad infinitum “sounds pretty stupid to me.” No, I change my mind. I know the nature of political campaigns and how busy the candidate is. I am willing to give Kerry the benefit of the doubt over his “stupidity,” instead of parrotting what someone says in the newspaper.
- Well, he got below average grades in college and spent half of his adult life as a drunk. That’s a dumb thing to do, and alcohol kills brain cells, so we know he could have ended up a lot smarter than he is today?! Driving drunk, which he admits to doing and has been convicted for, is definitely a stupid thing to do. Of course, his advisors tried to keep that conviction off the public record, which is also what they do with his public comments and speeches - they censor and edit them after the fact, changing the official transcripts to erase his mistakes! His advisors must think he’s stupid if they have to fix what he says (it’s all documented in the Washington Post - look it up if you can manage it).
[i]Presidents have advisors who edit, clarify,revise and extend text and spoken remarks all the time. That fact is not unique to just this President, it is a fact of the modern presidency for ALL Presidents. By the way, I think I can manage to look up the article to which you refer. In fact, I can guarentee that I have access to much more information than you will ever have in your lifetime. Thank you for the comment though.
I agree, drunk driving is a stupid thing to do. Yet many people do it. Need I point out Chappaquidik sp? to you, and the fact that Ted Kennedy killed a women then used his father’s influence to buy his way out of trouble?
I also think amphetamine use and abuse is a stupid thing to do,i.e., JFK during his administration. I guess if you want to go down this line of argument then we can disqualify a number of presidents and politicians from both parties and a huge number of potential candidates. [/i]
- He doesn’t even understand how the beliefs of his own church are different from the beliefs of other churches, even though he goes to church every week! In 1994, George W said, “The Episcopal Church is very ritualistic and it has a kind of repetition to the service. It’s the same service, basically, over and over again. Different sermon, of course. The Methodist Church is lower key. We don’t have the kneeling. And I’m sure there is some kind of heavy doctrinal difference as well, which I’m not sophisticated enough to explain to you.” He admits he’s not smart to understand how Methodist theology is different from Episcopal theology, so how can he understand the nuances of U.S. foreign policy?
I really see no relationship between knowledge of the differences between the theology of certain churches and U.S. Foriegn policy. This line of reasoning is as absurd as saying because a person has not studied physics, for example, he must also be poor at philosophy or the humanities.
- He apparently is pretty fuzzy-headed about the economy and basic mathematics. Last year, he was insisting that his tax cuts combined with increased spending would ensure the continuation of a budget surplus. To professional economists, that idea seemed to be kind of stupid. They said so, but George W. Bush dismissed their criticism. Now, it turns out that Bush has admitted that he was wrong, and that the United States will have budget deficits for the next decade because of his fuzzy math. In a show of unbelievably bull-headed inanity, George W. Bush is calling for making these damaging tax cuts permanent.
You of course are referring to the Economist, Paul Krugman, a leading critic of President Bush. Find me any two economists who agree on any subject and you are doing well. I will give you Milton Friedman’s critique of Rubinomics for a starting point.
- He said he appointed Thomas White to be Secretary of the Army because White had great business experience at Enron. Bush said he wanted Thomas White to run the Army like he ran his business. The problem is, White’s former employees say that he was dishonest and helped to set up fake partnerships that eventually led to Enron’s bankruptcy. White responds that he had no part in the illegal fraud because he wasn’t really in touch with the operations of the division he was supposed to be in charge with. So, either White is either a criminal or grossly incompetent. When George W. Bush appointed this man to run the United States Army, it was a very stupid thing to do.
[i]Agreed It is stupid to appoint people who are not up to the job to positions that they should not be in. This is the same as saying that any President or candidate MUST be fully aware of the faults of all those he or she appoints, which essentially means you must know everything about their history, as well as what they might do in the future.
Hmmmm, I guess you must call Kerry’s using Sandy Berger as an advisor “a very stupid thing to do.” Dang it, he should have known in ADVANCE that Berger was under criminal investigation and had been the subject of two search warrants. Berger is either grossly incompetent or a criminal. I won’t jump to conclusions though. Unlike you, I will wait to see what the investigation and trial produces before I say he is a criminal or not a criminal. on the other hand, White has never been charged with any crime that I KNOW of. I will refrain from calling him a criminal until he also is proven to be one. [/i]
- He has no understanding of basic scientific concepts, and even worse, he makes up science in order to support his own policies. He has stated that he believes that creationism has equal scientific validity as the theories of biological evolution through natural selection. He doesn’t understand the basic science of global warming, genetic engineering, stem cell research, cloning, abstinence education, contraception and missile shield research. Time and time again, he’s gotten the science wrong on these issues, even though the correct information was readily available.
[i]Time do ante up on your part. Please educate us and PROVE biological evolution vs. creationism to all of us uneducated people out here. While you are at it I want YOU to PROVE that global warming is a fact, show me what you know about genetic engineering, how stem cell research works and what might be cured using stem cell research as well as all of the other subjects you mentioned. Note that I did not say refer me to other sources where you obtained information.
You want the President to know all. I am holding you to the same standard. I will admit up front that I do not know very much about those subjects, as I am not a geneticist, don’t know atmospheric science etcetera.[/i]
These were examples of George W. Bush’s stupidity, ignorance and intellectual laziness.
I will refrain from commenting on your intelligence because I think denigrating another persons intelligence because they happen to disagree with you is a waste of time
Yeah!! Anyone who thinks Bush is dim witted lacks intelligence…WHATEVER. Try pulling your head out your arse!! Not only is that comment inaccurate, but its the same tactic the Bush Administration uses to intimidate and challenge anyone who questions Bush intelligence. Save it …cause it’s a meaningless phrase serving no real purpose.
Perhaps you need to read what I wrote again. I did not say you were not intelligent. I said you were ignorant of the facts. Does the word dictionary mean anything to you?
You claim that I am parroting what I read in the media. But, where do you get your news? Do you not bother to read the newspaper like your hero Bush?? Do you and your man Bush look instead to divine intervention to make decisions like other fundamentalist? Instead of using the brain that you were given to make intelligent decisions. Which in the case of Bush may be a misnomer.
I get my news from a huge variety of sources, both open media and not open. It is a mistake on your part to assume that I am a Bush person though. That is a very easy trap to fall into, as is depending on what you believe by reading newspapers. A newspaper is a selective sampling of many sources of information. Articles are picked by an editorial board for that days edition from a vast array of possibilities for that day. I prefer raw news feeds and I have access to them.
Btw, for response why Bush IS dimwitted, look at my above list…[/QUOTE]