Elasticity Training

Does anyone know if anyone’s journal on here, or if there’s a thread that I just haven’t found, that follows the training methods that guys like carl lewis or (supposedly) Bolt uses where strength increases weren’t really a goal but increasing maxv, elasticity, etc. stuff is developed

i think i need to concentrate more on that stuff, but im not really sure how to structure workouts that dont rotate around improving primarily the start

any advice or guidance would be much appreciated

How much emphasis do you/others place on developing tendon elasticity?.

I wonder if guys like Lewis or Bolt took primary emphasis away from developing muscle strength & placed there energy more towards developing GREAT tendon strength/elasticity (which wouldn’t come PRIMARILY from rep work alone but together with lots of isometric work).

There also greater for stiffness & increasing muscle fascicle length.

Original Link: http://maximum-maximorum.com/2009/02/13/strength-qualities-of-the-100m-sprinter/

“Muscle can’t compete with tendon elasticity”.

Do you really think lewis was doing iso work?


The only way to get fast enough to run the 100m in under 10s is by regularly doing handstands on a BOSU ball. I bet you that all sub 10 sprinters are doing this. They just don’t want to tell anyone about their training secrets.

Has anyone told you that you’re a complete moron? Because if not it’s sure as hell time.

Bolt and Powell are pulling sleds with 50 pounds; and Powell is doing this for 6 months of the year, as well as sprinting hills.

There are different ways of training strength, including plyos.

See some of the threads with Charlie about training on grass for tendon stiffness. Why do you want to waste time training for flexability when STIFFNESS is what makes you faster?

i will look for those. i did a lot of training on grass myself, but wouldnt it seem that if im training on grass then id be running too slow to really improve top speed? it seems to me to hit 95% of top speed it have to be on track surface

and as for the sleds weighing 50 lbs, i guess it also depends on the surface the sled is on too, right?

i just read some articles that talk about training natural strengths rather than weaknesses and my strength when i began track was my peak speed, but the only training i think i really have a grasp on is that which improves se or starting. i just want an idea of what i should be doing to train what was originally the best part of my race

So your increasing tendon stiffness because during ground strike + take off, the tendons must use greater elastic energy due to the much softer surface?. Wouldn’t that actually dampen the tendon contribution to movement because they are having to absorb and release less force/energy?.

Wouldn’t running on grass require less tendon stiffness (grass) to a movement requiring more stiffness (track) allowing for the tendons to adapt to the increasing forces experienced, thus a harder surface would be more beneficial?.

I know Asafa does a lot of his training on grass back home, not sure about Bolt, as I’ve only seem him training on the track.

Be very careful in how you interpret the claims being made in this discussion. Certainly stiffness can assist with reducing ground contact time. However, whenever a muscle/tendon complex stiffens, the force translating through that complex will be passed on to other structures that may or may not be able to withstand those forces (similarly to taping an ankle - athletes can sustain a LisFranc fracture to the foot or a broken tibia and/or fibula).

The same could be said for the trend in sprint spikes, where the spike plate is hard, molded plastic form heel to toe, limiting flex in the foot and driving more force into the achilles tendon and calf.

Changing running surfaces (i.e. grass to track) is a subtle change that can allow all connective tissues to adapt gradually and progressively. Transferring your training away from conventional weightlifting and toward more plyos and jumps can have its downsides – in terms of an increase in soft-tissue injuries.

Also, make sure to understand the difference between flexibility, muscle tonus, extensibility, tissue compliance and stiffness. Being flexible does not mean that you will lack stiffness on ground contact.

So r my assumptions that to train more elastically I’d give less priority to lifting, more to plyos and have to be careful about the spikes I train in and injuries (one way of preventing them going on grass before track)? I’m also thinking more efe, fef, flys, int tempo and controlled speed work as opposed to blast outs and 30m or under runs. Is that the gist of it?