I have made the transition to grass and been on it for a week and a half (700m of speed work/week).
I have to say that it is very easy on the legs (less soreness than I would get from an equivalent session on the track), but after each run I do breath harder I feel and have to take a couple of more minutes to get full recovery (due to increased resistance?)
Question for everyone: If there is a stiff wind and you’re on grass do you run with it or against it or both. I was thinking that one of the reasons grass is good is that it increases ground contact time so has some neural (cerebellar) benefit as well as muscle looseness and tendon stiffness. So do we run against the wind to augment the effect (or will the resistance be too much like trying to pull a 100kg sled)?
Does running with a stiff tailwind make the session more like a track one with normalised ground contact times?
Incidently today I did the first 3 60s into the wind and the final 3 with it, including 4x10m into the wind.
Thanks for the help!
With extensive tempo the breaks are usually shorter than the time it would take to walk back to the starting point so you usually go back and forth in some way.