Edmonton Seminar Review

Runtime: 66 minutes.

This is the first seminar download I have seen from the list of prodcucts, and needless to say I gained ALOT of information that can be greatly enhanced from hearing it from the man himself in person. This download has a question and answer theme to it with members of the audience asking a lot of questions and Charlie expanding further on the questions and topics of the seminar.

Topics discussed include the benefits of tempo for speed development, S-L and L-S programs, and reasons behind why these protocols are being used, among others (weights, plyos, etc).

I really enjoyed the graphs/charts that were accompanied with this download as well. Included was a chart that can be mapped out for developing youth athletes from the age of 7-8 years old all the way up through their teens, 20’s, etc. VERY INFORMATIVE for anyone that is into long term development of athletes. This is very useful to me since I coach young athletes.

Overall, a great addition to anyone’s collection of information. Very highly recommended for anyone looking to further expand their knowledge about CFTS.