eating junk for some calories

u have to eat alot to gain muscle mass right? is it ok to sometimes eat like ice cream or some junk food to get in some calories? what im tryin to say is, is it ok to eat not that healthy but alot (6 meals) and gain muscle mass, or will u gain alot of fat

I’ve got a feeling the answer is no. At least that’s my answer, but I’m not Clemson or some other person that’s super smart. If you eat right, you’ll gain weight much easier. If you’re jacking up insulin with ice cream and junk food, you’re probably going to gain fat (which doesn’t “change” to muscle) and generally not perform great.

imo, LONG-TERM HEALTH should always be an important part of your overall plan. If you want to eat like shit, then be prepared to reap the consequences both short-term and long-term. There is no reason you can’t eat between 6-8 healthy meals a day and not be able to get enough calories. Cheat meals are fine until they become the norm. So for someone eating 42 meals a week, at most you should be looking at 2-3 cheat meals a week…your diet shouldn’t be so impossible that you can’t follow it. And when I say cheat meal, I don’t mean to just load up on ice cream and chips, thats a complete waste.

For all those who say that can’t gain weight, watch the True Life on MTV of that Strongman (forget his name, 19 yrs old) who ate 7000kcals daily as maintenance. Bottom line, stop bitching and eat more.

You don’t need a special diet to get bigger (assuming that is the only goal). More calories in than calories burned should generally yield and increase in weight (fat, muscle, glycogen, etc). You can definitely make some huge basic sandwitches with a ton of lunch meat (half a pound of ham or turkey for example) on top of whole wheat bread. You have a lot of good quality calories there for the most part. Fruit in the mornings and even in the afternoons has plenty of calories and good quality nutrients as well. Baked potatoes, whole wheat pasta, etc. are all good sources that are relatively high in calories. If you are burning a ton of calories and eating a ton of calories from a clean source, your bodyfat will often take care of itself to a certain point. You won’t be in bodybuilder shape or like some of the elite sprinters, but you should definitely be lean, especially if you are an ecto.

Well said, ccardill. I was going to say pretty much the same thing.

The only thing I would add is be careful of how many calories you are adding. I regret 7+ years of bodybuilding eating/working out because of all the non-functional mass I put on. You can put on mass fairly easily by stuffing your face. If you cycle your calories, you can stay pretty lean as well. I was almost too good at putting on mass at the sacrifice of athletic ability, quickness, and sometimes even strength. When I got back into competing recreationally in sports, I felt like a slow oaf, even though people thought I looked strong and athletic. Keep the long term in mind.