yesterday: back,deadlift,biceps
dont’ have much time right now to write it all down.
yesterday: back,deadlift,biceps
dont’ have much time right now to write it all down.
I feel more like a bodybuilder than a sprinter these days :o
I jogged with a few mates
1hour and 5 min through the forest… very cool
jogged 1h and 9 min
I am rather busy these days…
but I trained…
on saturday up-hill runs
sunday: back biceps deadlifts
monday: chest shoulder biceps grip work
tuesday: rest
yesterday: jogged 1h and 25 min endurance
I am back…
didn’t train much the last time except the last 3-5 weeks I startet running again…
so my times are weak but I just love it so I will start this season at competitions, even my I am not in my best shape…
I will train the shit out of me to run times I can accept.
I will write down my whole training again.
If you have something to add. Please say it.:)
Goals for this season:
400 Meter: under 55 sec.
this is the main goal right now, I will add some goals from time to time…
so later I will do a weight session.
Pullups: +15Kilo44*4
one armed Face pulls: 15 Kilo151515 superset serratus pushups:151515
2 sets Curls: 30 Kilo1010 reps slow negative
2 sets formearm/grip
3 sets rotator cuff
later track:D
yesterday track:
It was a bit weird…
7*200 meter range from 33-27 sec
originally 6*200 meter were planned but we ran the first ones too slow because we thougt we were fast enough… but then the look on the watch showed the opposite…
on monday there a test runs.
later this day: leg day weights