dvd order problems

My wife bought me a few dvd’s a month ago and we haven’t received the dvd’s or a confirmation of shipping. We’ve emailed twice without any response. I hoped a moderator would see this and pass the message along.

Usually you get confirmation via paypal that payment went through and then go into your account to download. Thats how I have always done it and I have been on here for years. Contact info@charliefrancis.com

Which dvd’s are you referring to as we only sell downloads?
I will look into this and get back to you.
Angela Coon

I guess I shouldn’t be looking for a shipping confirmation then, huh? I’m sure that’s a part of the problem. The receipt number is 4976-5003-6402-4597. I believe that is was session 1,2 and 4.

Have you found the order/receipt?