Drivephase1015 Training Journal

Tuesday, 1/26/10

Week 3, Day 2

Workout - 4 am wake up, 5 am workout
‘Anaerobic Warm up
200m Skip/jog series
Dynamic Stretches/motion
Build ups 2x60%, 1x70%, 1x80%, 1x90%

“Step Downs” @ 90-95% - 2min/rep-5min/set
400m Cooldown
Hang down stretching

Weighted Core
Windmill toe touch 2x10 each
The Rack - 20k - 2x20s + 15 lifts
BB Twist 2x10 each
Reverse Hypers 3x10
DB Saxon side bend 2x10 each

I’m feeling pretty good. I think I’m just about out of the woods, but as a precaution I’m going to take tomorrow off with max v workout to follow Thursday morning. We’ll see where I’m at after that.

Taking today off for recovery and rest. I am going to do a max v workout tomorrow and get a lifting workout in. Then I will be off for the week unless I do some GS work. I have a conference for work from Thursday to Saturday. I think the days off will be days that will be beneficial for me.

Thursday, 1/28/10

Week 3, Day 4

Workout - 4 am wake up, 5 am workout
Max V Warm up
200m skip
50m of short warm up
600m (50m walk, 50m accel)
Dynamic stretches x 10 reps
Sprint Drills x 30m
Build ups

7 x 30m w/30m fly in at submax 95% 3-5min/rep
3.05, 3.09, 2.99, 3.10, 3.04, 3.11, 3.06
Cool down/walk
Light Stretching

Ext. Repetition Core - 2 X’s Through Circuit
Solo Twist x 10
Reverse Crunch x 20
Twisting Crunch x 20each
Med. Ball Toe Touch x 30
Side Crunch x 15 each
Hip Thrust x 20
Side Crunch x 20each
Russian Twist x 20
Solo Twist x 10
Lying Wipers x 10

The workout felt good. I was very apprehensive at first and felt I should build through the workout and first few reps for that matter to be sure I was ready to go. I had some soreness prior to the workout from the lifting workout on Tuesday. The first 3 I really want to gradually accel and get up to 90% or so on the accel. I wanted to finish strong and didn’t want to feel any fatigue or discomfort in the hamstring.

Rep #1 - 3.05 Good start to the workout. I felt a little stiff during the fly.
Rep #2 - 3.11 Felt a little sloppy towards the end of the accel. Technique felt off.
Rep #3 - 3.04 Gaining confidence because there wasn’t any pain during the accel or the fly. I need to get a better transition set in place.
Rep #4 - 2.89 Wanted throw down one in the middle of the workout before fatigue would come into affect. Felt great. I really set it up with a good accel. During the fly I focused on kneed drive and chin placement.
Rep #5 - 2.97 Another good rep. So far with the results this is the best workout I have had.
Rep #6 - 2.99 I’m starting to feel fatigue for the first time in the workout. One more rep left. I think I hit the watch early to start the fly.
Rep #7 - 3.00 Pretty tired, stomach cramp coming on from my light breakfast.

I felt good during the workout. I did start to feel fatigue and a little soreness in my hamstring, but this workout was a major step forward. Coming off a heavy squat day and having to do a very stressful workout this morning. I’m starting to build some confidence, but also want to make sure this thing heals. I’m taking tomorrow and Saturday off from running or lifting. I am going to do some core work, light stretching and GS tomorrow. I have a conference in Chicago starting today and can get some much needed r & r over the weekend.

Do you think your recent injury in competition could have been related to the fact that you don’t run at full speed in practice?

No because I had been running full speed in practice. The 30m previous to the fly are at 95% and the fly is at 100%. I’ve never had any pulls or strains in my career and a lot of the time were not running at full speed. I do 3 or 4 at full speed without a submax entry. I think it could have been attributed to the heavy squats and rdls that I had done that week. I lifted 4 straight days leading in. It’s interesting thought, next week, I’ll try doing all with 100% entry and fly and see how I feel. It could have been the 4 hour ride the night before or maybe I wasn’t properly hydrated or it was that we had less than 30 minutes between prelims and finals. I really don’t know. I guess it could be any number of things. I’ll try your suggestion and we’ll see what happens.

Next week is an unloading week. Less volume throughout the week. Would it be a good week to compete? There is a meet on an indoor mondo track that I could run on. I should be plenty rested, but I’m thinking the following weekend maybe even a better opportunity as my body will be adjusting and benefitting from the work I’m doing now.


I’d try to race at the end of the unloading week, but only if the hamstring is 100% okay.

Monday, 2/1/10

Week 4, Day 1

Workout - 4 am wake up, 5 am workout
Acceleration Warm up
200m skip
200m jog
200m skip
Dynamic stretches
Sprint Drills x 30m
Build ups

8 x 30m 2-4min/rep
Cool down 4 x 100m - BSR Stretch
Hip Mobility

3.84, 3.84, 3.76, 3.75, 3.75, 3.83, 3.75, 3.75

Ext. Repetition Core - 2 X’s Through Circuit
Crunch x 30
Hip Raise x 20
Russian Twist x 20each
Med. Ball Toe Touch x 30
Leg Raise x 20
Figure Eight x 15
Elbow to knee x 20each
Plate Crunch x 30
Scissor Kicks x 40
Jackknifes x 15

Well, today is the first day of an unloading week for me. I guess today was also the definition of consistency. I felt pretty good in the workout, but it definitely isn’t the best I have felt. I had a little soreness in glutes so I’m going to be sure to stretch a little bit more to loosen up before bed.

Monday, 2/1/10

Week 4, Day 1

3:30 pm Weight room

Strength/Power Development
(keep in mind, all lifts are preceded by a 3 set warm up)

Power Clean 4 x 3= 180, 180, 185, 185
Back Squat 4 x 5= 325, 325, 345, 345
Goodmornings 4 x 5= 135
Push Press 3 x 5= 135
Reverse Hypers 3 x 8

Wednesday, 2/3/10

Week 4, Day 2

Workout - 4 am wake up, 5 am workout
Anaerobic Warm up
4x50m jog series
Dynamic Stretches/motion
Build ups

“Step Downs” @ 90-95% - 2min/rep-5min/set
400m Cooldown
Hang down stretching

Iso Core
2 (4 x 50s)
L Side Plank
R Side Plank
**add 5-10s each week.

Wednesday, 2/3/10

Week 4, Day 2

3:15 Weightroom Workout
Strength/Power Development

Power Clean Pull 4 x 4= 205
Back Squat 2 x 5= 315, 325
Bench press 4 x 5= 215, 220, 220, 220
BB Row 4 x 5= 185

Weighted Core
Windmill toe touch 2x10 each
The Rack - 20k - 2x20s + 15 lifts
BB Twist 2x10 each
Reverse Hypers 3x10
DB Saxon side bend 2x10 each

Thursday, 2/4/10

Week 4, Day 3

Workout - 4 am wake up, 5 am workout
Max V Warm up
200m skip
50m of short warm up
600m (50m walk, 50m accel)
Dynamic stretches x 10 reps
Build ups

6 x 30m w/30m fly in at submax 95% 3-5min/rep
3.07, 3.07, 3.02, 3.08, 2.94, 2.98
Cool down/walk
Light Stretching

Ext. Repition Core 2x15= 570 reps
Crunch w/Twist
Back Hyper
Leg Toss
Flutter Kick
Wrestler Bridge
Side Up
Back Hyper w/Twist
L-Up——>Hip Lift
Supine Hip Ext.
Double Leg Slide
3-way Roll up

The work felt better. Rep #4 I could feel myself slow down a little bit during the fly. At that point I realized that I need to give more rest to get more quality out of it. I timed my rest between 4-8min/rep. It was a full recovery workout. I ended on a high note with the last two reps so I was happy with that. I could really tell when I was running a better based on how the accel felt. I had a little soreness and have been a little tired this week so that could be a mix of it. It was a good progression from the week prior so that’s what I was really looking for. I am going to add a lifting session tomorrow of hang cleans, step ups and few other exercises. If I feel a little tired or fatigued I won’t be add in the session. I am planning to compete this weekend at either Illinois Wesleyan or UW-Stevens Point. I don’t have a time schedule for Point yet. Point is about 4 hours away it could be a very early morning. IWU is about 2 hours away and I don’t run until a little after 1 pm for prelims and 3 pm for finals. IWU has less comp, I’m seeded #2 with a 6.70 for the 55m. Point will have more comp, but a longer ride and early morning.

My questions are: Would you rather go to a meet that’s 4 hours away, driving up that morning for more comp or leaving a little later and running at a meet 2 hours away, but with far less comp?

Point is 247 miles away - 3.5-4 hours.
Bloomington is 121 miles away - 1.5-2 hours.

I’ve run at UW-Platteville and driven up early in the morning and run my best times of the year. That meet is 175 miles away, but takes over 3 hours with the country roads.

So what do you think?

If U gonna drive that day of the meet go to the closer one. I think that driving four hours and then trying to run will not yield the best results

Friday, 2/4/10

Week 4, Day 4

Workout - 3:45 pm workout
Speed Warm up
200m skip
50m of short warm up
600m (50m walk, 50m accel)
Dynamic stretches x 10 reps
Build ups

Block work - just working on reaction 6-10 x 10m at the most

Felt really uncomfortable in blocks. I hated the session. I worked with my HS kids so I didn’t really put much emphasis on my own. Just tried to set and example. I even false started a few times. It was a horrible session.

Saturday, 2/6/10

Week 4, Day 5

Meet Day Prelim Warm up
200m skip
50m of short warm up drills
600m (50m walk/50m accel
Dynamic stretches x 10 reps
Sprint drills
2 x 30m to 85% in trainers
2 x 20m 3 point starts
2 x 5 x Tuck jumps
2 x 30m w/10m fly

Prelim Race - 6.44

Didn’t have the greatest start, but I don’t have a set of my own blocks and my workouts don’t have starts in them. I don’t know the exact distance, but there was a point in the race where I really turned it on and felt fast. When I saw that I ran 6.44 I was happy. That past couple of seasons my prelim race would really flat and I’d run 6.50’s or even 6.60’s so this was a good start to the day. I had at least 2 hrs before my final so I got a little rest

Finals Warm up

5 min jog
5 Dynamic Drills of my choice - did more like 7
2 x 30m accels up to 85% in trainers
1 x 20m 3 point starts
1 x 5 x tuck jumps
1 x 30m w/10m fly

Finals Race - 6.38

I really don’t remember much of this race. So I can’t really comment. I don’t know how good the start was. I kind of saw people but I don’t think I was ever behind. 2nd place was 6.46 so there was some decent competition. I took a 15 min. ice bath afterwards. I realize now how much stress I put on myself at a meet. It’s a really stressful time. I get really worked up and really nervous. I don’t know why, I get more nervous now than I did when I was in college. I’m pretty elated for how I did. I ran under 6.40 and kept my streak alive. I’m 30 years old and I’m not in my prime anymore so I’m not going to come out and run 6.30 or my pr of 6.27, but for the first time, I can honestly say I’m really happy with the result today!!!

Here is my training set up. Weeks 5-8.

Weeks 5-7
Monday - Acc. Dev./Strength Development
Tuesday - Speed Endurance
Wednesday - Strength/Power Development
Thursday - Max Velocity/Strength Development
Friday - Active Recovery/Gen. Strength
Saturday - Strength/Power Development

Week 8
Monday - Acc. Dev./Strength Development
Tuesday - Speed Endurance
Wednesday - Strength/Power Development
Thursday - Active Recovery/Optional off day
Friday - Max Velocity/Strength Development
Saturday - Off

Monday, 2/8/10

Week 5, Day 1

Workout - 4 am wake up, 5 am workout
Acceleration Warm up
200m skip
600m jog
Dynamic stretches
5 x OHB
5 x BLF
5 x Squat throw followed by 10m accel

3 x (3 x 30m med ball accel throws) 1-2min/rep - 5min/set
Cool down 4 x 100m - Static/dynamic stretches

3 x seated roll and throw
3 x squat throw/push up
3 x squat throw

Ext. Repetition Core - 2 X’s Through Circuit
Crunch x 30
Hip Raise x 20
Russian Twist x 20each
Med. Ball Toe Touch x 30
Leg Raise x 20
Figure Eight x 15
Elbow to knee x 20each
Plate Crunch x 30
Scissor Kicks x 40
Jackknifes x 15
Crunch w/Twist
Back Hyper
Leg Toss
Flutter Kick
Wrestler Bridge
Side Up
Back Hyper w/Twist
L-Up——>Hip Lift
Supine Hip Ext.
Double Leg Slide
3-way Roll up

The workout was supposed to be resistance (hills or sleds), but I opted for med ball accels because it gives a little resistance and I don’t have a sled anymore and I don’t want to go outside to run hills and slip on the ice or get hurt some how. I’ve always had an issue with this workout and how it reads on my sheet because I’ve never been able to figure out what the exact volume is supposed to be. Here is how it reads.

3 x (5 x 5 x 5) Hill Sprints* @ 90-95%

  • 5 sec. sprint walk down & repeat x 3 = 1 set;
    1-2 min / rep, 5 min set

What do you think?

The workout went pretty well coming off of the meet Saturday and scrimmage game for the flag football team I play. I took it easy in the scrimmage. It was outside in the snow and ice so it was more of a shake out kind of thing for me. Just to get out moving around.

Monday, 2/8/10

Week 5, Day 2

5:30 pm Weight room

Strength Development
(keep in mind, all lifts are preceded by a 3 set warm up)

Back Squat 5 x 3= 325, 340, 350, 350, 350
DB Jump Squat 4 x 5= 25% body weight= 40
Bench Press 4 x 3= 220, 230, 230, 230
Push Press 4 x 5= 135

Tuesday, 2/9/10

Week 5, Day 2

Workout 3:45 pm workout
Speed Endurance Warm up
200m Skip/800m jog series
Dynamic Stretches/motion
Build ups 4x70m - 30m walk

3 x (2 x 80m) @ 90% - 30s/rep-6-8min/set

Weighted Core
Windmill toe touch 2x10 each
The Rack - 20k - 2x20s + 15 lifts
BB Twist 2x10 each
Reverse Hypers 3x10
DB Saxon side bend 2x10 each

Tuesday, 2/10/10

Week 5, Day 2

12:00 pm Weight room

Strength/Power Development
(keep in mind, all lifts are preceded by a 3 set warm up)

Power Clean 4 x 2= 190, 200, 200, 205
Clean Pull (from block) 4 x 3= 190, 205, 210, 210
RDL 3 x 5= 135
Reverse Hypers 3 x 6-8
Wt. Pull-Ups 3 x 5

Iso Core
2 (4 x 55s)
L Side Plank
R Side Plank
**add 5-10s each week.