Dream 4 x 100m team

Forum members:

What would your dream 4 x 100m team? If you had a choice of any athlete, at their prime, from any era how would you assemble your team?

Note: Assume efficient changeovers (or should we?)

1st - Ben Johnson
2nd - Maurice Greene
3rd - Andre Cason
4th - Carl Lewis

You have to have Bob Hayes in there somewhere (probably anchor!)

After seeing that vid clip I think Hayes is a must, either Leg 2 or 4.

1 - Ben Johnson
2 - Carl Lewis
3 - ?
4 - Bob Hayes

  • The changeover between Lewis & Ben would be interesting!

erv hunt was the reason

I’d think:
Ben Johnson
Carl Lewis
Mo Greene
Bob Hayes
(The middle two legs are longest and are particularly suited to strong 200m men, with Ben- due to his great start and Hayes as we saw in the film).

1-Ben Johnson
2-Bob Hayes
3-Mo Green
4-Carl Lewis

(Only problem could be the differant hieghts at change overs like Hayes to Green.)

U.S.A Rest of World

1- Mo Green 1- Ben Johnson
2- Bob Hayes 2- Linford Christie
3-TimMontgommery 3- Ato Bolden
4- Carl Lewis 4-DonovanBailey

Just thought it would be interesting. I think it would be closer than what some might think. Apparently there were no official splits for the 96 oly final but I’m prepared to accept that Donovan reached 0.82secs from 60 to 70meters as has been published in Guiness Book of Records. Plus he was really up for a showdown agaist lewis for the relay finals, but unfortunately, Lewis for some reason was not selected.

Under 6ft, over 6ft.(4x100relay)
Ben Johnson - Donovan Bailey
Ato Bolden - Carl Lewis
Tim Mont - Michael Johnson
Mo Green- Bob Hayes

Lewis was the reason-he chose not attend the relay camps even though he was invited.

Originally posted by Charlie Francis
I’d think:
Ben Johnson
Carl Lewis
Mo Greene
Bob Hayes

just for fun, assuming these 4 guys ran a 4x100, each guy being at the pinnacle of his career, what kind of time do you think they could produce? given perfect conditions as well…

who were the 4 brothers who ran sub 40 for the 4x100m?

pioneer there was alot more to it than we know

There are always things the public does not know about but Lewis always presents it as Hunt’s bias against him but, by his own admission, he did not attend any of the camps even though he was invited and knew it to be a requirement to be included in the relay pool.

Can anyone say why Michael Johnson was rarely considered for the 3rd leg of a USA 4x1?

I remember MJ running the 3rd leg on Baylor’s 4x1 at the NCs and rolling up some very fast athletes.

in the old days, you had to place top 6 in the individual 100m or 400m to be considered in that relay pool.

MJ changed that in 1992, running the 4x400, and not running the individual 400m at the trials.

The U.S qualifying system has allways been the strictest in the world. in the U.K it is suposed to be the first two past the post plus whatever third person the B.A.F cares to choose. What happens though is that some “Man Diva”, allwaya thinks there rep or form is good enough for them not to have to turn up to the championships. On championship day some top athlete will do an unusually bad performance leaving the selectors a headache as to who to choose for the third person. Sometimes it has come down to just the first person across the line that is automatically qualified.

Re Time Potential:
Based on the info I have on BJ, CL, and BH, and a good guess on MG:
Ben 9.95
Carl 8.6
Mo 9.1 (allowing for the curve)
Bob 8.6
Total 36.25
I was conservative on Mo’s curve time.
There is the potential in relays for up to 3 tenths for the “free distance” (the distance provided by the extended arms on the pass, but, as the times probably allow for this already, I’ll leave it out.)
Both Carl and Bob switched hands on their anchor legs, though this was already accounted for in their times, but Carl, obviously could not switch hands on second leg!

I think Mo on the curve is a mistake. He doesn’t have as much control on the curve as most, and with a running start, i’m expecting that to be multiplied. I think he’d actually run slower on the curve than a slower athlete. Mo is like a top fuel drag racer. Great goin in a straight line. But you need something with All Wheel Drive on the curve. Something with control.

  1. B. Johnson or J. Drummond
  2. C. Lewis
  3. M. Johnson
  4. M. Greene

Originally posted by fjlee
in the old days, you had to place top 6 in the individual 100m or 400m to be considered in that relay pool.

MJ changed that in 1992, running the 4x400, and not running the individual 400m at the trials.

When was it ever decided that 200m sprinters were only considered for 4x4 duty? I remember in ‘88 that Joe DeLoach, with Lewis’ urging, was a consideration for 4x1 work. However, we know what happened there.

In the attached clip, MJ is in lane 4, Andre Cason of TxA&M in 5 and Michael Bates of Arizona in lane 6.