Dr.Squat WR clip

I love this clip!!!


A bit long winded isn’t it?

BTW was that a squat or a good morning?

I think that was called a full-squat. :shoot:

Dazed maybe need to read some of his poems!!!

A Brother’s Saga
Frederick C. Hatfield, 1991

The mighty men of Iceland sing
against the wind and winter’s sting.
Viking blood and Viking ale
have conquered worlds in truth and tale.
But never a man of ice and winter
doth lift the Manhood Stone like Hinter.

Doth lift the Manhood Stone like Hinter.

Blue lagoons and lava caves;
Geysers blow, volcanos rage.
Such a place is Hinter’s host;
“The Gates of Hell” it’s called by most.
But never a man loved home like Hinter;
He revelled in the cold dark winter.

He revelled in the cold dark winter.

Now cometh to this Viking land
a man called Squat, with steel in hand.
Of Norsemen’s blood by mother’s mother,
he braved the cold to seek his brother.
And never a man from Norse begot
doth lift the heavy steel like Squat.

Doth lift the heavy steel like Squat.

Then cometh he to Hinter’s lair
where fires glow on women fair,
And geysers blow from Hell’s fires burning
a drink men drink called Black Death, churning.
Though steel and stone are worlds apart,
still Hinter shook the hand of Squat.

Still Hinter shook the hand of Squat.

Why come you here to seek your kin?
The days grow short and winter’s in.
My brother’s here – I feel his soul.
I’ll find him though the nights turn cold.
But first let’s drink some Viking beer!
My brother lives; I have no fear.

My brother lives; I have no fear.

So, drank these mighty men of old
the Black Death steaming and Viking Gold.
So, drank 'till nightfall came and went,
'till six months passed and stories spent.
But never a word was ever spoken
of stone and steel, or strength feats broken.

Of stone and steel, or strength feats broken.

The Clash of Giants contest nears.
The crash of stone and steel one hears.
Hinter lifts the Manhood Stone
while mighty Squat bears steel on bone.
But neither winces at the strain,
and both men feel the other’s pain.

And both men feel the other’s pain.

And never a man of ice and winter
doth lift the Manhood Stone like Hinter.
And never a man from Norse begot
doth lift the heavy steel like Squat.
Now, come you to the Place of Vikings
and test your might on steel and stone.

And test your might on steel and stone.

From throughout Iceland giants lift
to prove their worth and win the gift.
More steel, more stone to hand is taken,
'till one man fails, his honor shaken.
When stone is gone and steel bars bent,
just two men stand, the others spent.

Just two men stand, the others spent.

Squat shares a kinship brothers may
with mighty Hinter on this day.
For both have won the cherished gift
of Vikings past who made the lift.
The gift of Brotherhood, 'tis told,
is Viking blood, worth more than gold.

And Brotherhood’s worth more than gold.
Common goal?
Division of labor?
Collective will to win?


To me, TEAM means self-pride!
Personal responsibility!
Commitment to excellence!
Heartfelt passion!

If any athlete lacks any of these attributes, there is no team.
Only a collectivity of individuals destined to LOSE!

If, however, each athlete posesses these personal qualities,
then the team will NEVER lose!

Dr. Squat
…and Peak Performance!
NOT need to achieve…

  Instead, a burning desire to do what no one has ever done -- or will ever do again! 

NOT commitment to excellence…

  Rather, utter disdain for anything less! 

NOT endless hours of practice…

  Instead, PERFECT practice! 

NOT ability to cope…

  Rather, total domination of EVERY situation in life! 

NOT setting goals…

  Goals too often prescribe performance limits! 

NOT doing what it takes to win…

  Instead, doing what it takes to EXCEED the bounds of mere convention! 

NOT force of skill or muscle…

  Rather, it’s the explosive, sometimes calamitous force of WILL! 

If you believe in and practice these things, then for you, winning is neither everything nor the only thing as the great Vince Lombardi once said. If you believe in and practice these things, then, for you, winning has become a FOREGONE CONCLUSION!

But if, along the way, you somehow stumble, PROFIT from the experience! Then, vow, by the power of Almighty God, it’ll NEVER happen again!

Dr. Squat
Poem by Dale Clark in the March 1983 issue of IronMan:
Working As A Team:
Ideally, a bold and lavishly imaginative individual should begin a project; a methodical and tireless individual, who stands in awe of his partner’s brilliance but is affectionately critical of his excesses and lapses, should be in charge of the middle; and a third individual, patient, elegant and scrupulous, deeply impressed by his colleagues joint achievement but aware that it will fail without his serene overviews and inspired refinements, should complete the work.

Author Unknown
Sweet Paradox

It seems the sun is far more fun
When summoned by the rain.
I’ve never read a poem of love
That didn’t speak of pain.

And flowers flaunt their beauty smugly,
as if all but they were gray and ugly.

We’ll make such love in such a sun
Amidst such flowers madly.
It is then for us that life begun
and those flowers withered gladly.

Our lives will be as flowers there,
among the old dry weeds.
With love to scatter everywhere
Like bushels full of seeds.

Some fall on rocks, some fall in sand,
Some fall on fertile ground.
And from the sky a mighty hand
Makes love and Grace abound.

Now flowers grow again down here…
The scent of flowers lingers.
Throughout my soul I feel you near,
Like loving, gentle fingers.

Someday we’ll be together, Love…
quite possibly tomorrow.
But if our time comes up above,
I beg you not to sorrow.

We’ll walk the windswept beach above,
together, hand-in-hand.
I’ll make sweet love to you, my love,
in the moistness of the sand.

Fred C. Hatfield
Lost at Sea

Kiss me lips, but tenderly!
See, just last night me bender ended
Leeward o’ the starboard bow!
Puked me guts out,
Drunk from bad stout.
Been that way since last time out.
It was then me woman left me.
“Lost at sea,” she said o’ me!
Lost indeed I was, me matie!
And nothing’s worse than drunk and lost!
Especially wi’ a gal like Katie
waitin’ for me home in port!
Enough o’ these forsaken memories!
Just kiss me lips and 'ave a snort!

Fred Hatfield 1968
The Chemo Wind

She didn’t have to scream it,
The message was so clear.
There wasn’t need for talking;
I had heard it in a prayer.

I didn’t mean to meet her.
But her pleading was so strong!
Her eyes, her lips, her curly hair
Told me everything in song.

Ride the chemo wind, sweet lady!
It blows whene’er you call.
Spread your wings and ride the cyclone!
I’ll catch you if you fall.

Ride the chemo wind, sweet lady!
Were the songs we sang in vain?
Wrap your wings around me Baby!
I’ll take away the pain.

Reluctantly I yielded
To her seductive Siren’s song.
No reef, no rocks, no gale-force winds
Were there to prove me wrong.

The greenest pasture of the land
Were there to welcome me.
Her strong arms lifted up the light
For all the world to see.

Ride the chemo wind, sweet lady!
It blows whene’er you call.
Spread your wings and ride the cyclone!
I’ll catch you if you fall.

Ride the chemo wind, sweet lady!
Were the songs we sang in vain?
Wrap your wings around me Baby!
I’ll take away the pain.

She came to me with love’s door open.
She came with wings spread wide.
Like flotsam I was swept along
Upon the welcomed tide.

It was I who needed lifting up.
It was you who bore me high.
It was I who rode the wildest winds
Of passions gone awry.

Ride the chemo wind, sweet lady!
It blows whene’er you call.
Spread your wings and ride the cyclone!
I’ll catch you if you fall.

Ride the chemo wind, sweet lady!
Were the songs we sang in vain?
Wrap your wings around me Baby!
I’ll take away the pain.

The errant wind that bore your wings
Blows blithely and untrue!
If there’s no redemption for the Devil,
Can I make it so for you?

Can I make it so for you, sweet lady?
Will I make it so for you?
If my soul is kin to so much sorrow,
Must I make it so for you?

Ride the chemo wind, sweet lady!
It blows whene’er you call.
Spread your wings and ride the cyclone!
I’ll catch you if you fall.

Ride the chemo wind, sweet lady!
Were the songs we sang in vain?
Wrap your wings around me Baby!
I’ll take away the pain.

Where are you now my lovely lady?
Are you coming home to me?
If it’s a wind that you’ll be needing,
I’ll blow one there for thee!

I’ll harness all the winds in heaven,
And saddle them to ride!
I’ll lift you up for all to see,
And keep you by my side.

Ride the chemo wind, sweet lady!
It blows whene’er you call.
Spread your wings and ride the cyclone!
I’ll catch you if you fall.

Ride the chemo wind, sweet lady!
Were the songs we sang in vain?
Wrap your wings around me Baby!
I’ll take away the pain.

Fred Hatfield
Copyright ProPower, Inc. 2002 all rights reserved
Inquiries contact support@drsquat.com or call (800) 732-2004

My god its the David Brent of Weightlifting :sing: