Do you use Skype?

Were does everyone stand with this?

Looking forward to hearing from everyone.


I think this is a great idea. I just downloaded Skype and it is an excellent program. My username is “andycheech”.

Hi Rupert,
I am in. My user name is “NapLaj”.

been using this program for a year now! with two cables at both ends, its just like a phone call, only that its free! but this festoon is new to me, but a perfect idea!
username: aekomy

Hi Rupert,
When will we begin!!!

Anyone know when the Skype discussions will begin?

We’re still giving you all time to setup, expect this program to start in Jan 06.


I have a mic now Rupert… My PM from before had my username.

I can’t believe people aren’t all over this. Skype is free and easy to use (just tried it), so get it and sign up already! :slight_smile:

This is the final call for signups, we’re going to be holding this conferance shortly


Everyone: This is free! Duh!


i just did a search and couldnt find you on skype…



nvm that post i forgot the . between mr & rupert…

i travel between australia and taiwan and skpe is the way to go…

when do we start…

On Skype I am as:

Nikoluski -typical… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hay im in as well -Slogan120

I want in! User name: jovbuh12

What is a good time to call Rupert

I have installed and hopefully ready to roll

You may call me anytime using Skype, at this time; we are a little back logged and our online seminar will be posted when available.


Skype Rocks. .

whatever happened re this? any more planned?

Forget Skype. Try

Cheaper, better…