
hi yall

it was sports day in my school today.

100m: 12.11s
200m: 25.76s

damn it!
i’m so disappointed wif myself!
i still came 1st, but i was much faster in last year’s sports day (100m: 11.87s, 200m: 25.02s)!

maybe its just some sort of fluke.

got any advice? maybe i should go get a coach.

Don’t be disappointed. It could be due to a lot of factors - the competition and conditions on the day, your own state of mind and hunger. I would suggest you just keep practising and trying your best.

The important thing is that you know that you can do it.

Best of luck for the future.

i can’t believe this!

i had interschools athletics a few days ago and i got 12.56s in da 100m! needless to say, i didn’t make da finals wif a time like dat.

what is happening to me? another fluke?

i’m not growing old or something am i?

btw, thx for da advice yolvin.

Yo, yo, yo Kenno. It could be a fluke since your time last year was so much better. It’s tough for us to give you any advice without more info. Is most of your trainin’ geared for the hunnert and two hunnert meter dash?

if your performances are getting worse forst thing is to look at your training.are you overtrained???

actually, i may have been undertraining.

i used to do some sort of training around 3 to 4 times a week, and now more like around 1 to 3 times a week, since i’ve been busy wif school stuff lately.
but would it really make dat much of a difference? from 11.87 to 12.11 to 12.56s within one year?