September 2, 2009, 5:15pm
While I think training is training and should be for the most part individualized to begin with. I think race as in skin color is both overblown and underestimated.
It’s overblown for the simple reason that the actual skin color of a person doesn’t mean much genetically. If Tom Cruise is slower than Tupac it won’t be because he’s white.
It’s underestimated because socially it does make a difference. Especially in the U.S. It would be willing sticking your head in the sand to assume that on the whole a black athlete and indian athlete would come to the track with the same baggage. The personalities and social experiences brought due to their “race” will undoubtedly lead to some adjustments in coaching. At least until there is a level of comfort reached.
The social argument is drastically overstated. There are plenty of black sprinters who came from good upbringings and plenty of white sprinters who didn’t.