Diagonal Summation

I didn’t know that. What a baby.

I’m pissed at the gate keepers over on T-mag’s forum. During my exchange with Staley last night, Chad Waterbury chimed in and said a few nice things about Charlie, but then asserted that Staley has a great physique, while Charlie doesn’t exactly walk the walk. I responded by pointing out that Charlie was a three time Canadian 100m champ and competed in the '72 Olympics. Thus far, they haven’t posted my response.

what is the link Flash?:slight_smile:

Same one I posted above. Look under the “Periodization that Works” thread under Staley’s guest forum. They might post it eventually, but they’re taking they’re sweet time. It’s been close to 15 hours since I wrote that post. Anyway, what do I care. I made my point here.

And in fairness to Staley, he wrote a polite reply to Chad as well (which was posted).

a bit off topic, but what the hell.

Remember George Harrison’s song “My Sweet Lord”? It was note-for-note a copy cat to the Chiffon’s “He’s So Fine”. I believe George was found guilty, and settled out of court.

Now seriously, do you really think George, an ex-Beatle, really plagiarized an old 60’s song? Maybe he dreamt about it, or sub-consciously didn’t mean to copy it…


Or he was too stoned to realize that he was actually copying it? Maybe that’s where the Staley “caffeine-defense” comes in.:clap:

Flash - don’t feel alone - my ‘post’ wasn’t posted either.

What a pity:


Hi Forum…

This situation reminds me of how Elvis Presley’s hit “It’s all right” was taken (read stolen) from Big Boy Arthur Crudup…coincidence, hardly.


Copy and paste the above link

While I can certainly appreciate the contribution Charles Staley has made to the world of strength and conditioning, I must admit the first words that came to mind when reading that article were “Charlie Francis.”

In your response to Flash, you mentioned something about tapes. Are these the videos you have available here?

The topic is covered on the tapes, among many others (maybe we better scan who’s buying these things!).