Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes

Anyone familiar with this book or methods of Shirley Sahrmann?

Here is the link for the book

Great Book! I refer to it pretty regularly as I do a fair bit of post-rehab with my clients. I’m not sure what your intent is but this book is more for those doing clinical stuff. There are some usefull tools that can be applied for the performance community, however, I wouldn’t spend the money if I only worked with them.

I’ll answer any questions that you may have :slight_smile:


Great, thanks!
I am interested if the book discuss the topics of muscles imbalances, poor posture (scoliosis, lordosis, kiphosis) and pain menagement? I have read some quotes form the book at Mike Boyle website and it looks very good! Also, I am interested in the following books too:

  1. Kendall “Mucle test and function”
  2. Araujo “Flexitest”
  3. “relief you pain” (the book about art)

Can you compare them?

I am interested in some book that would teach me to asses and evaluate an athlete as a “whole”, it imbalances, short-comings and most important the causes for it and how to avoid them, to allow me to devise individual training program to solve his problems and improve his performance… to prevent from injuries, poor postures, pain etc etc.
Do you recomend some book? Note that I have read both Stuart McGill books and Therapeutic exercises for injured athletes!
Thanks for help!

…I’ll write more when I have time, but until then google Vladimir Janda and C.L. Liebenson their work is what you’re looking for

Tnx for the tip… I found something, but what I didnt find is the time to read it yet…
What do you think about Gray Cook Functional Movement Screen?

All thought I’ve heard of him and his work, I’m yet to experience it first hand. The following is a list of people whose work I use extensively in regards to screen and assessing:

  1. Vladimir Janda
  2. C.L. Liebenson
  3. Shirley Sahrmann
  4. Thomas Myers
  5. Stuart McGill

…this is not to say that I’m not open minded to other authors and their methods (actually I welcome your thoughts and experiences) but, as you now, after a while of reading alot of stuff you start to find a few things that work well and stick with it.

Actually I have found Janda’s stuff to be really effective. :slight_smile:

What are you currently referring to? :o

…as I think more about what you’re looking for, it leads me to think there is no one tool or book to effectively assess an individual. For example, Sharman’s book looks at muscles/joints in isolation where Janda looks at movement. I feel the most important thing is to understand and know (1) what muscles create certain movements[agoninst/synergists], (2) what muscles impede certain movements [antagonists], (3) how the body creates and reduces forces and (4) what is conisdered “normal” or “acceptable” pathology or movement.

A simple example would be “duck feet”. In some people this is caused my external rotators being locked short and internal rot. stretched. Something so simple will have a tremendous impact on the quality of hip extension. So if one understands the 4 points listed above then the need for assessments created by this person or that person becomes lessened. :slight_smile:

Now I know nothing about you, so I hope I didn’t offend you with my little rant :o . It’s in my nature to encourage people to seek out and understand the basis by which these tests are built upon first (anatomy and biomechanics) before (or at least while) they look for these tools/tests.

RG :smiley:

Oh…Kendall’s book is good too. Nothing ground breaking or that didnt’ appear in other books, but you will find some useful tools and info. Now I should mention my opinion is based on a earlier edition. :slight_smile:

Could you just give us some more information with respect to these authors such as book titles etc… I know McGill and Shirley but what abou the others?



Hi Randy,

Again thanks for tips…
Here is my short CV :slight_smile:

  1. I am currently apsolvent of faculty of sport and physical education
  2. I have extnesive knowledge (but dont surgical knowledge if you know what I mean) of anatomy, physiology…
  3. I am specially interested in biomechanics (I read a large quantity of books including Enoka’s book and Research methods in biomechanics) and motor control (read Schmidt book, and Latash book).
  4. I read couple of books regarding physiotherapy (including McGill both books)
  5. bla bla bla (and yes, I have experience working with EMG)

And no, I am not offended with your little rant :slight_smile:

With my basic knowldge, I differente between the following types of “imbalances”:

  1. Length-tension alteration between muscles, ligaments, capsules etc. This also includes trigger points, myofascial issues, adhesions and other structural factors
  2. Neural alterations: synergic dominance, antagonist inhibition, reflex atlerations, poor motor control etc
  3. Sensation alterations: alteration in consciousness feeling of movement, joint position which recuire motor-re-leaning, and I belive that Alexander technique or other are good with this…

Also, I believe that problem is never in one group, but rather all of them in the same time… Because, altered neural function will lead to altered structural factors and vice versa…

I am interested in some sort of “wholistic” assesment!

What books would you recomend me from mentioned authors (Janda, Liebenson, Myers)? Thanks in advance!

…Well it seems you may know a thing or two :stuck_out_tongue: LOL!

Book Titles:

Myers-“Anatomy Trains”

Liebenson-“Rehabilitation of the Spine”

Janda (looking for book title-here are articles)
Article 1) http://www.thera-bandacademy.com/research/resources/x-showresource.asp?frID=1319
Article 2) http://www.thera-bandacademy.com/research/resources/x-showresource.asp?frID=1317
*List of Citations 3)http://www.chiro.org/LINKS/ABSTRACTS/Janda.shtml

*If you come across any articles from this list please share :o And there are also some good books on this list!

Some other titles worth looking into:
Warren Hammer-“Soft Tissue Examination & Treatment”
Craig Morris-“Low Back Syndromes”
Defranca-“Pelvic Locomotor Dysfunction: A Clinical Approach”
David Gorman-“The Body Moveable” (http://www.learningmethods.com/BodyMove.htm)

Happy Spending…I mean Reading :smiley: :o


Thanks for the links! I printed couple of docs and read them! Great stuff, altought I have read about crossed pelvic syndrome in Ultimate Back fitness and Performance and from article from Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson (thanks guys)!

I just got last question… Is there a need to read Kendalls book when read Sahrmann book? You sadit that Janda was more “wholistic” oriented while Sahrmann is not? Can You expand on this more? (I hope you said this, or maybe I am wrong). Thanks

yes, yes, and a little bit.

In my opinion, great book. Worth every penny. You will not be disappointed.

Hey Duxx,

Having reviewed Sahrmann’s book again, I feel there is a no need to read Kendall’s book. You’ll will come across some (if not all) those muscle tests in her book. There are also PLENTY of illustrations/photos, good examples and clear discussions of the musculskeletal system, the various dysfunctions aswell as means of assessing/testing and then correcting the problem. I’m certain you wont regret purchasing it.

Comparing to Janda, I do feel she does take on a more isolated approach to assessing dysfunction as there wasn’t any discussion on “muscle inhibition” that could recall.

Hope that helps… :slight_smile:

By chance do you have any work by N. Bogduk?


Thanks! I really appreciate your opinions!

GREAT, THANKS! It is really helpfull… I am ordering it 200%!

Sounds fqamiliar, but no, I dont have any! Can you be more precise? title etc, maybe I can dig something out

These are some books by N. Bogduk:

  1. The Biomechanic of back pain
  2. Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine and Sacrum.


For my two cents “Anatomy Trains” is a holistic book.
I see what you are getting at with your questions, as I’ve been after that same thought process in the past. Give me some time to think about it and I’d like to give you my response later. Again, regarding my two cents.
Very good thread so far!

I just got Shirley Sahrmann’s Diagnosis and treatment of movement impairment syndromes!!! I didn’t find time to read it yet, but I am looking forward to it! thanks for your opinions guys!

Chek and Boyle always refer to it. I am pretty sure that she is/was a teacher in St. Louis.
I have been meaning to get it but it’s pretty expensive. I was thinking of having Borders order it so I could read it there. :slight_smile:
I’ve heard great things about it and that it tends to disagree with Kendall’s book. I’m all ears as to what you think of it when you get time to really get into it.