Developing Agility and Movement Quickness for Team Sports

Developing Agility and Movement Quickness for Team Sports …

How does one best fit in agility and quickness work for team sports to the CFTS.

I know this was touched on in a previous post.

Speed days should be for running speed improvement and the execution of drills at speed.
But is there any way that agility can be improved by incorporating agility work into the Tempo sessions to maximise movement speed and ‘teach’ repetition the skills needed for the game?

i think charlie has stated that tempo should not be used for any type of agility work, even if it is at a low intensity. if i understand you correctly, you are wondering how to incorporate agility into your planning? if you are doing 3 speed days a week (high CNS), make one of those days a high CNS agility day. use the same amount of rest in between sets as you would for straight ahead speed, and quit when you feel you are getting slower. i would also gradually add more sport specific agility as your season gets closer. hope this answers your questions.

Solid reply E! Couldn’t have said it better myself…

Thanks Guys,

I remember Charlie advising against mixing Tempo and Agility.

I guess I’m just trying to ask the question -
Is there any advantage in doing agility-work at less than 100%?


I think it depends on your skill level. If you have the movement patterns down correctly, then you should work at full speed (and remember that full speed in agility drills is still significantly slower than full speed sprinting in terms of absolute velocities.) However, if you don’t have the proper coordination for a movement, then some slower speed practice may be appropriate. The learning model that I have found useful moves from unconcsious incompetence -> conscious incompetence -> conscious competence -> unconscious competence.

The idea is that when you start to try to learn a new skill, you don’t do it right and you don’t even know what you are doing wrong. Then you become aware of what you are doing wrong, but still can’t do it right. Then you practice some more and you can do it right if you think about it and finally, you get the the point where you do it right without thinking about it. You try to evolve the skill from fore-brain to hind-brain. When you are in any of the first three stages, then slower work to establish correct movement patterns may be helpful.

However there is one big caveat: some of the movements may not be able to be done correctly at slower movement rates. For example, I think Charlie would argue that you can’t practice proper sprint form at a slower rate of speed because you have to be going fast to get the proper hip height.

Thank you X
Good post - I agree with all those points.

Answer - no point in doing agility at < 100%

Thanx Guys