
{Introduction: Sorry for my English}
About me: Born 29/8/1981.
Training exp: 12 years with some stops.
Sport: 10km - half marathon - marathon (main sport).
Marathon exp: aproximately 3 years.

-Feel free for comments -

My yesterday training gone pretty good. I ran for 1h15m the last 30mins in 85% HR. My mind was completely in other place, maybe in another space also. I checked my watch to see how much time I was running. The watch was writting 28 mins. Then I started to get lost in my thoughts. thoughts that were whirling through my head. Beautiful thoughts :slight_smile: . A beatutiful relationship has started some hours ago. That was the last time that I had see my watch. The next time that I tried to see (it was dark and without lights) I saw … 1.11. Fortunately my pace was good even “I lost in space”.

1h30’. First hour at 65-70 HR. Last 30mins at 85-92% HR. Pretty Good :slight_smile:

what sort of times for those?

10km 37.46 (2008/7)
half 1.28.01 (2007)
Marathon 3.09.43 (2008/11)

At the marathon I had many problems :slight_smile: but… this is my PB.

i take it, this was supposed to be the Long run day?
i would hold the HR at 70-75% of max - you should be able to set up alarms to let you know if over or under these values for long runs like this.

Bold can correct me if wrong but those are interesting times to me. From your 1/2 time I think that is a pretty solid Marathon especially if you had many problems.

My long runs are more than 2h and sometimes more than 3h. When I am doing a “LR” my HR is between 65%-75% (depend the ground and the curve). The training I wrote called in my country “incrementa” or “growing run”. Starts to run about an hour in 65% HR and the last peace of the training in galactic/anaerobic threshold. It’s supposed to help to grow the VO2maxT.

At half marathon I have run at 1.27.20 in a 400m stadium but this was on training. Not official :). Late at May I will try to “brake” 3h in a foreign marathon. The 3.09.43 was on Athens Classic Marathon witch is the hardest marathon in Europe ^_^.

10k x 2 = 1hr 16 Then add in that 1klm and a bit, so around 1hr 20min.
So your loosing around 8min, or 4min per 10k or 24sec per 1klm.

Half x 2 = 2hrs 56min - thats 13min 43 off PB or around 20sec per klm off your Half pace. which is 44sec off 10k pace.

So - which way do you plan to attack training, via faster 10k and keeping that 44sec klm pace (reserve) or close that “reserve” to say 30sec?

eg, a 30sec “reserve” off your 10k pace will lead approx a marathon time of 3hrs neat.

for the Speed reserve to stay the same, approx 10k time of 35min 45sec is needed.

The two-hour plus hard runs are what get the good marathoners through the last third of the race. They don’t get faster; they develop the fortitude not to slow down. Jack Foster (Silver medalist in the Commonwealth Games Marathon in 1974) talks about this in his delightful little monograph entitled The Ancient Marathoner. There was a practice run on the Munich Olympic course and Jack ran in this race. And he talks about the last six miles of the race where he felt he was struggling more and more, but each mile split was the same 5.05 or so that he was looking for. His point being that your head often begins to struggle before your body actually does so you have to fight your psychological doubts. This is the hard part of marathoning and can only be mirrored by doing marathon distance training runs. I think there is a train of thought that once a runner runs say 1:08 for a half they have to get faster to run say 2.20 for a marathon. This is not the case; they now have to get stronger to be able to maintain sub 1:10 half pace for the full marathon.


So - we should be able to hold that 20sec per klm thats dropping off? Perhaps, but its not whats happening currently with the top guys.
ie - there has been a number of times guys have run sub 1hr in the Half, yet Hail Wr in the Full is 2hrs 4min. Around 6min off what he can push through for the Half, and about 8min off what The Aussie guys (ie, steve monagetti) used to run.

Hail Geb - his best time for 10k is around 26+ min - a lot of speed reserve - your gunna slow down. Unless your full of Red fibers without an ounce of white. These guys seem few and far between though.

But still, give food for thought, either way hey?

My anatomy “said” that i am something between sprinter and a middle distance runner. 59% white fibes… I am running marathon because I like it :). My new coach is saying that I must get faster at 10K in order to get an 2.4-45 in 26.2miles. In my opinion this is not even close to my skills. I believe in a time below 2.59 and I will be happy :). My coach saying that in this season my 10k will by approximately about 36.30 ~ 37.00. I hope he is right :slight_smile: .

Thx in advance for the comments :slight_smile:

I knew you were a sprinter when I saw you …!

What did you saw on me that makes me sprinter? :stuck_out_tongue:

Strong legs and glutes, anterior tilt !!
And watch how you walk … (or just watch me… :p)

Dejan - in other words, she was checking out your Butt… :smiley:

Hehehe probably!

Friday 9/1/2009
20’ easy run + 6x50m + 6x80m + 1x6km ~ 4’/km, 1km very slow run.

In 14 hours I have a small race 6km… I will run it as a training :slight_smile: I believe I will get under 24mins.:stuck_out_tongue:

The race was just fine. I tryed for a 24min in 6km. Before the race I ran 14km as a worm up :p. I complete the race in 23.30 :slight_smile: I feel a little bit tired :o