DB drills i can do on my own?

does anyone have any good safety/DB drills i can do on my own? im just getting into football and my foot work is horrible. we have been doing one on ones and i am getting beat more than i would like to.

Backpedal, backpedal, and backpedal to start out. Tape yourself if possible so you can see what you need to change.
Backpedal straight back
Backpedal and break at various angles (straight back, 45 degrees, 90, 135, 180)
Backpedal to turn and run (180), then break back to LOS.
Weave (keep shoulders square to the LOS) and weave with a break
You would set cones or shoes up in a W shape and backpedal to one cone, break forward to next, etc.

As far as playing one on one, I’m sure your coach is helping you here, but the most common mistakes are…

  1. DBs don’t take away the inside. Make the QB make a good throw to the outside. These are harder throws to complete and are in the air longer. If he comes inside, you are going to defend the pass or jack him.
  2. Once the WR breaks the LOS, you need to keep your feet moving (usually backwards), don’t lunge and wiff trying to collision.
  3. Don’t look back unless you’re hip to hip. Unless you are within easy arm’s reach to the hip of the WR, don’t look back.
  4. Stay low in your backpedal. Lots of times all the drill work goes out the window in a live drill.

Remember that you are at a disadvantage, especially in one on one practice since there is no rush and usually there isn’t game like spacing and conditions for the WR and QB. This is a great way for you to get better. You are going to get beat, and on every play you are probably going to be beat for a second. The main thing to think about is “don’t look back unless I’m hip to hip” when you’re beat. By simply doing this, most poor DBs become average, etc at this drill.

Hope that helps some.

that helps alot. i noticed i always look back at the QB and it kills me. how much should i play inside? thanks alot again.

Yes that’s very common. The WR will tell you when and where the ball is thrown. Never look back unless you’re hip to hip and the WR is looking back for the ball.
As for how far to play inside, as a general rule, the further the WR is split, the more you can play inside.
Usually WRs running inside routes will take a wider split, and if they’re running an outside route they will cheat in… so that is a hint you can use.
Depending on your speed and the speed of the WR and split of the WR, it varies. I would ask myself, how far inside do I have to be to take away the slant, etc and still give myself a fair shot at making a play on an outside route like a flag, etc. On a medium split, I would have my outside foot just (maybe 1-2 feet) inside of his inside foot if I am playing off at about 5 yards. The closer I get to him, the more head up I might play.
Yes you will be giving up the outside pass, but you are forcing a perfect throw and catch. Even then, if you take a good angle, AIM FOR THE UPFIELD SHOULDER and hustle (without looking back until you’re hip to hip), you will probably make the tackle in a worse case scenario. If you follow the basic fundamentals you will be surprised at how few times you give up big plays doing this.

thanks alot for taking the time to write all that. it really cleared alot up for me.

thanks again

Great advice Coachf!

Two other places that dbs often get beat. One is when they transition from backpedal to sprint. Drill this (turning both ways) until it is natural.

Secondly, make sure you keep running when you look back. Often, you get hip to hip, take a quick peek and forget to keep sprinting with the receiver. This is when they get separation.

One other hint on bump and run (Coachf touched on this). Be patient for the bump. Too many dbs try to move forward for the bump as soon as the ball is snapped. Instead, keep your feet moving and let the receiver come to you. Sometimes they will dance around a bit making fakes before they get off the line. If so, great! They are just wasting time. Wait them out and then hit them after they make their move to start downfield.

Very important points, I agree. A lot of playing DB is playing smart. It also helps to be quick and fast, of course. I think playing DB is the best thing someone could ever do in sports. Enjoy your time playing. It sure goes fast. Good luck.

I prefer offense :smiley:

And yes, the time has gone by way too fast. Have fun while you can!

thanks alot guys. i will definitly use this advice.

No problem Kid Canada.
And Cortese… you’re a pretty boy. :smiley:

Hey now! :cool: This pretty boy makes db’s look bad :smiley:

What about drills for someone in a strictly zone defense where you aren’t allowed to backpedal?

Wow, I wish I was playing receiver against that defense!

Safeties have to run with the deepest receiver, no?

Also, why would you set up a zone so that you are already at your deepest drop? Seems like that would give too much cushion and would not be able to provide run support very quickly. Is this some strange new coaching philosophy?

You aren’t at the deepest drop. We had a pretty good defense this past eyar b/c our DB coach would rather have a team that plays good zone then average man defense. you kind of straddle bck sideways and not backpedal because of fear of falling.

I assume you are turned in on the snap of the ball looking at the QB and WR at the same time? What position are you playing, corner, or a safety, FS or SS? I am guessing corner? What coverages are you playing? I might be able to help more if I have more info, but I would still work on change of direction type of drills. Most of them will probably need to start by turning and running or whatever your stance is. Turn and run both ways - to your right and left. Off of this start, lower your hips, chop your steps as necessary, get a good plant and accelerate in all directions - back down, back at 45 each way, 90 degree bread, 135 degree breaks (these might not be necessary depending on your position).
The main advantage of playing zone is that it is viewed to be safer and yield you more interceptions. Zone defenders are well served to have great ball skills. Practice going up to get the ball at it’s highest point. Hopefully you can have someone throw the ball up to you while you are on the run. I like the go - ball drill: you are sprinting away from the QB looking the other way (this might not be as necessary for you). When the QB throws the ball, he yells “ball”. You turn while running, find the ball and go catch it at the highest point possible. If you don’t have partner you can still throw the ball up to your self or up against a building and go get it at the “high point.”

Play Corner, we run cover 0,1,2,3,4. Mainly 2-4. and yes your are right about the stance.

I don’t think I can help you much. The ball drills mentioned earlier and the ones you do in season are probably enough, in addition to you speed and change of direction drills and strength training of course. If you can work out with people and create more game like situations, that would be great, but is not always possible. Good luck.

Nice posts so far lets see if I can add some stuff to help out.
If you are playing in a cover 2, for God’s sake please do not line up inside or your HB or $ will kill you.

Some coaching points for C-2 at the Corner position. Out side shade of the WR, split the man your inside foot should be right over his crotch and staggered back so the balls of your inside foot will be parallel with the arch of your outside foot. You want to be 1 yard off the man so that we can get a jam and funnel. If you line up in a soft press (5yards off max) it will make it harder to actualy get a jam (i’ll go over that technique in a sec).
ther others did an awesome job covering man tech. so i’ll do some zone
ZONE technique in C-2} you need to jam the WR inside and funnel him inside, so your 1st step will always be lateral never up field, it is imparative that the WR does not get an outside release (to far for the HB/$ to go)
As for your read, you need to find the #2 reciver at the snap of the ball you shoul eb looking through the WR to the #2 comming up field. Everything can be read off of the #2 reciver, if 2 goes vertical 1 will go in or out if 2 comes out at you 1 is going in or vertical, just stuff like that.

SOFT PRESS technique: this is commonly used in the CFL, it is where I was able to pick it up at a training camp one summer as a coach. The great thing is it allows you to run with the WR in man and also jam and sit for C-2 hence why this team taught it they ran 3-4 front with multiple c-2 looks behind it.
line up heels at 5 yards off of the ball and same split as in the hard press lets say u take outside shade so inside foot on his crotch we are still looking to take away the hot route, as well as get a jam and run with the guy so it is impossible to do that and take huge leverage either inside or outside. The key here is not to backpedal but step and replace make sure to always take away a side and step and rerplace lateraly to to keep that shade the reciver will naturaly close down the cushion and what we want to do essentialy is have him run into you and restart the man. This will not be called pass interference because you will be protecting yourself once restarted you can turn and run with the guy keep your eyes on his hips look up when he does.
This technique requiers you to be a pretty quick athlete with great agility it is hyper agressive on the hot route and relys on the DB’s speed to recover for the deep bal but also on the front 7 to get pressure so that the ball comes out quick.
Personaly I am more of a fan of the other techniques the gusy on here were talking about. I lie my guys to line up 7-8yrds off the man and inside or outside alignment depending on the WR’s relation on the field. Ig he is inside the numbers we will line up outside if he is outside the number we will take away the inside. use the Que the QB technique on your first 3 read steps to read the drop of the qb short drop = quick pass 5 step drop focus back on WR hips and know he is going vertical or deeper type route. I have my players rely on their breaks to get to the ball not on pure speed and athleticism. I usually have maybe 1 guy who could play a soft press technique.
This is long so i will stop now hope it helps.