David Weck Spiraling Fascia and Sprinting Faster helps gay beat bolt

Yea I was wondering about seagal. He has never kicked anyone in his movies. Just arm play and fast hand movements. lol
As for the other dude claiming he is the reason bolt loss to gay. They didnt mention bolt was injured. AS I read the article the whole time I wondered wtf this arm swing looked like. I still really dont get it.

But he created the bosu ball aka bust yo ass ball.

“It’s not just strength training; it’s training in three dimensions.”

That’s what I’ve been doing wrong, I’ve only been squatting in two dimensions!

I learned 15+ yrs ago from Arnold, who trained 40+yrs ago, that during certain movements using dumbbells you Twist or rotate your arms - not for Fascia tension, but for for targeting certain muscles more efficiently.

Maybe now we have found the Problem with Gays Constant BACK problems! This guy is getting Gay to do Stupid BOSU work. Overloading his Back posture muscles, hip flexors, groin ect from Bosu.

good one!:slight_smile:

I always found the 3 dimensions to be a little silly. Last I checked the body is unstable and the ground isn’t. So unless you play your sport during an earthquake, hard to see the benefit. BOSU is for 1/2 men, real men squat on a real ball. Haha

It is sad that this type of bullshit article is going to reach a large population and perhaps influence people to change something that should be very simple. Obviously there is no such thing as journalistic integrity when it comes to fitness publications. Note that not one legitimate sprint coach was interviewed on the subject. The only thing that will result is perhaps the ‘downward spiraling’ of some athletes’ careers should they put stock in this article.

Bolt was injured and fulfilling his end of the contract (i.e. running the race). Gay took advantage of the situation. End of story.

Anyone have video of this? I don’t see it in this 19.41 run. He has always had slight hand rotation going back years ago.

I don’t think there is any evidence to suggest that it’s BOSU work primarily.

Since I’m not using a BOSU & Gay is, maybe he’s trying to tell us mere mortals something?.

It must be good for something?. Is it great for core work/strength?. :confused:

Original Link: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=bosu+core+exercises

Where does it say Gay is using a BOSU? It just says he is working with the guy that invented it, on his arm technique. Don’t get me wrong, I’d like all proponents of BOSU training for sports performance to go and jump in their nearest active volcano, but let’s not lump Gay in with the BOSU balancing ass clowns without just cause…

From the sounds of it, under the generous assumption that this arm pronation concept actually works, it’s probably best left to the very top 0.5% of athletes in the world to try, not Joe Gymrat who can’t even hold top speed for 15 metres.

Tyson Gay should follow the advice of Zen master, Steven Seagal, the next time a personal trainer offers him advice on sprinting technique:



I tried the spiraling out today. I found it increases more stabilisation (core) & literally eradicated any twisting/core rotation, made me more solid.

Done a little background research on the BOSU. :smiley: Significantly works the (TA) transversus abdominis muscle & inner core. (Hodges & Richardson 1997b) and found that during unilateral leg/arm and limb movements, the transverse abdominis was the first muscle activated, leading researchers to believe that the transverse abdominis must be “pre-programmed by the central nervous system”. It’s one of only 4 muscles (pelvic floor etc) ‘directly’ linked to the CNS by all accounts.

Those key muscles ‘generate’ power before the legs/arms. Certain BOSU exercises (I found 4) overload the “generator”. The instability factor of the ball actually leads to a further increase in the activation of these muscles.

But more significantly, the “generator” doesn’t get worked at the squat rack, performing oly’s etc.

I tried the spiraling out today. I personally found it increases greater stabilisation (core).


ive noticed that gatlin seems to have this hand motion, his palm in front is always poiting towards his face while his hand in back is more neutral

I tried out Steven Seagal’s patented front kick to the face at the supermarket today. I personally found it knocked out the neighborhood housewives quite effectively, making my own personal sense of security more solid.

why do not applied this concept to the lower leg/feet?
… … … … … … … … … … … … . . . .

Maybe not just about technique but also some conditioning too?, these ‘exercise visionaries’ could have something different to offer, new methods & idea’s being brought to the table.

Put it like this, ‘it’ seems to be working for him (performance wise) whatever it is. Tyson wouldn’t be sticking around otherwise.

Just been doing a little googling on the BOSU. :slight_smile:

Critique at will.

  • Significantly works the (TVA) transversus abdominis muscle & (inner core) in general.

  • (Hodges & Richardson 1997b) It has been shown that the transverse abdominis is the first muscle to contract during any movement of the arm and legs, leading researchers to believe that the transverse abdominis must be “pre-programmed by the central nervous system”.

  • It’s one of only 4 muscles (pelvic floor, multifidus, internal obliques etc) ‘directly’ linked to the CNS by all accounts.

  • Those key muscles ‘generate’ power before the legs/arms.

  • The instability factor of the ball actually leads to a further increase in the activation/isolation of these key muscles (performing the right exercises).

  • Certain BOSU exercises (I found 5) overload the human “generator”, more significantly.

  • But even more significant, the “generator” doesn’t get worked/isolated at the squat rack, performing oly’s etc.

Obviously anyone weak at the source which primarily generates the power for human movement won’t be reaching there full potential.

Could be a significant factor Tyson is taking advantage of, over the others. Certainly a set of muscles to take into consideration. What are strong quads, hams etc without the primary power source to move them (OK for the genetically gifted, not so for mere mortals).

Spiraling movements are recognized both in tai chi chuan and in native dance traditions from the South Pacific for their promotion of body harmony and for their mesmerizing aesthetic qualities.

That is quite interesting, as I’ve seen parts of Bolt (rubbing his head) which suggest he maybe into the same thing/ or another ‘art’ & maybe delves into it away from the track.

Tyson has been running well for years, im not sold in this as the reason he pulled away from Bolt. What did Bolt run again? (yes that was sarcasm) Bolt was not in his top shape, nothiing to do with a spiraling fascia.

The activation of the TA on a Bosu ball is nowhere near the activation of of the TA in a squat/deadlift or medball work etc.

If BOSU balls are the only way to truly activate the “core” than why do them? Since that would mean they are not activated in sprinting