Crusader's quest

Fri Mar 7

Sled 10 x 10, 10 x 20

Box jumps up into pit 2 x 10

Upper weights
Decline pushups 3x 20
Pull ups 3 x max
Rows 3 x 10
Military 3 x 10

Abs: 5 minutes

Monday is the first official day of practice. I expect a dozen or so additional guys coming out.

Plan for next week is

Mon: Accel and SE, weights
Tue: teaching block set up, 2x150 split runs (weather permitting; 2x20 second run if indoors), tempo (pool)
Wed: Accel, speed, weights
Thur: Tempo (pool)
Friday: Accel, SE, weights

Monday Mar 10

First day of official practice.

5x30 high start
5 x 30 push up start

100/200 m guys
2x(3x60 : 30+m)

200/400m guys
2 x 200, 10 min rest
(200=50m shuttle…down, back down and back)



Weather is still nasty so we are in the back hallway of the school.

Tue Mar 11

Group 1: guys not afraid of water

2 x (10x45 sec) pool tempo runs, 15 sec rest
Goal: 120 steps/45 sec

Group 2: Guy afraid of water

Body weight circuit consisting of
High knees
Jumping jacks

2x(10x45 sec) each, 15 sec rest

Wed Mar 12

Box jumps up: 5 x 5 jumps

5 x 20 high starts
5x30 push up starts

4x EFE (20-20-20)

4 x 30m strength endurance

Today was very modified from plan. Many guys were sore and tight from previous workout. I cut out 2 EFE’s, and 2 60’s and replaced them with Strength endurance, which I forgot to do Monday.

We then did weights as usual




Pull ups :30 reps total anyway they can get it

Tomorrow is block instruction, tempo, and long jump and hurdle technique work.

I am coaching LJers. I found Boo’s video and will use that as my basis this season. I know little in this area but I seem to have several guys who can “jump out of the gym” with one jumping 21’ ft as a soph.

It takes time for people to adapt to a training load of even 2x10x45 on 15 off in the pool. Don’t be surprised if they get stiff. But being stiff generally shows your volume is too high for what they can handle or your progression wasn’t smooth or they are doing stuff outside of track (bball etc) which isn’t helping!

Tell me more about Boo’s video as well.

yes, I agree about the progression.

The ones who were stiffest were the ones who did the bodyweight circuits. The squats they did were too much. Next time i’m getting rid of those. I think the burpees/squat thrusts might have been too much too. Pool work group were ok, except for a few who got blisters on their feet. this time we were in the shallow end. I think we’re going to stick with the aqua joggers in the deep end.

I’m going to stick with high knees, jumping jacks for now o the body weight circuits. Hopefully next week weather will warm-up a few degrees and we can go outside to do tempo work.

Boo’s video was 99.9% technique/drills, which is good for me. Not sure how to program this all in with sprint work, but will figure it out. Because we are inside for now, my progression is going to be

  1. take off (penultimate step)
  2. approach
  3. landing (when outside)

I don’t want the kids doing any more jumps on the hard floors then they need to.

Glad to hear you got some of Boo’s videos. You are doing a hell of a lot more than most college coaches, let alone high school level coaches.

With the pool stuff, make sure you are getting some stretching in as it can make the hip flexors fairly tight. You might also want to try some kick board stuff. I really liked doing kick board stuff on my back as it doesn’t seem to load the hip flexors and quads as much and seems quite similar to tempo in effects.

Thanks for the comments. I really just want these kids to do well. The school has had so much potential go wasted it’s disheartening.

I thought about doing the kick board swim in the past…I posted previously about this idea. Pool work is new to me so I wanted to see how things came about. The kids are asking about “swimming” so this might be a good change up as well.

If the kids aren’t very proficient swimmers, it is going to have a very different effect than with swimmers. It can certainly be done, but you want to watch the volumes and definitely make sure they rest between each length (talking people that do not have very proficient swimming technique). You could try something like 10 lengths (down and back 5 times total) with kickboard while laying on your back for 4-6 and then kickboard while laying on stomach and regular swim. Be careful with just the swimming though because if they go too hard and aren’t too good, they’re going to get some very significant lactic build-up quickly.

I like doing these sort of things better than just aqua jogging. Go one length, rest 30-60secs (depending on what I did and how hard). Mess around with it see how they like it. You could also try putting some ab circuits halfway through the workout to break up the monotony.

Thu Mar 13

We started off with getting blocks set and doing some practice starts for about 10m. I think each guy did about 5.

We then did a long jump drill from Boo’s DVD…I forgot to refresh myself with the drill before practice and realized I only half-knew the drill :rolleyes: So then we went and did some body weight circuit work

High knees, jumping jacks, abs and push ups for 10 minutes.

I was feeling a little under the weather today. I felt better later on in the evening during my night sessions.

Tomorrow is speed end day. Will report back.

Fri Mar 14

Weather: 55 F!!!

We went outside to track today. Only one straight was completely dry from the melting snow.

100-200m group
High starts :2x20, 4x30

2x60 ( 40+m)

StE: 5x30m

200-400m group
High starts :2x20, 4x30

300, 200, 100

Both groups: usual weight routine

Today I really cut back on the SE. The entire team had sore/tight thighs. Most likely from the workouts, and not the weather.

I really goofed on judging the preparation time into SPP. Weather next week is scheduled to be in the 30’s! :eek:

We will see what will happen and how everyone recovers this weekend.

Mon Mar 17

4x20 high starts
4x30 blocks

2 x 30 sec runs all out (75 yd shuttle course due to hall ways)


I decided to go away from the shorter SE work today. The overall volume is close (~300-400 yards) and I hope is tolerated better.

Weather is still cold (35 today). I think we’ll be going outside for tempo work coming up. However, with the easter weekend, the kids don’t have school friday, nor monday. They go to school next week tue-Fri, then are off for spring break for a week. When we get back, Tues is our first meet. Such a pain!!! :eek:

I will adapt. I am going to have optional practices. The ones who care will show up on those days.

Tues Mar 18

Mat runs

2 x (120 steps x 10 sets), with pushup/crunches as rest.

I switched from time (30 sec) to steps because it was hard to judge how hard guys were going. By having them count steps, they stopped talking, and if they fell behind, everyone knew it. Strategy seemed to work. Weather looks to be 30s next week as well. We will go outside for tempo work. Also have spring break coming up. I’m thinking of having the better sprinters come in for two workouts a day to help with fitness. I’m still re-reading strategies for this.

After the fitness work, high jump technique was done.

Wed Mar 19

Indoors again.

2 x 20 high starts
4x20 blocks

3x EFE
3x FEF

2 x 60 (40+m)


The kids seems to be ok this week. No one is really mentioning tightness or soreness. It could be slight variations I’m making in program, or they are just adapting to the workload.

I’m noticing differences in sprint times during workouts and the kids feel faster.

Tomorrow will be pool work, probably out last one of the season. The weather looks to be steady in the high 30s. We will be outside for tempo work and will stay inside for speed days until weather warms.

Thu Mar 20

Weather: 40 F

The pool was closed today. So instead we went outside and did Big Circuit tempo.

I took the long jumpers today and worked on heel-toe when skipping for ht and distance, and then worked the run run jump sequence in Boo’s DVD. Tonight we are supposed to get more snow, and we have outdoor practice tomorrow as the school will be closed. Will be interesting.

Fri March 21

Weather this morning: 25F!!! :eek:

It was cold!

Tempo: 8 x 200, 2 min rest between


Monday is no school, but there is optional practice again. If the school is open, we’ll be inside doing typical monday workout, if not, we’ll be outside doing tempo. This weather just sucks.

Temp: 35F

School building was closed today.

Outside on track, after warm-up,

2 x 150, 3 min rest (times ranged from 20-24 seconds, but everyone ran very close to same time on both reps)


Tomorrow will be another tempo day, with Wed being the first HI day of the week. Fitness certainly lacks at this stage, more so than I thought it might.

Wish you were my coach. My coach had us do 1x400, 1x300, 4x150 for the 100-200m guys! We never do anything less than 100m.

Thanks for the support.

I am concerned with the “lack” of fitness in the group. I was hired late (3 weeks before season started) so the prep wasn’t as long as I’d like. We have two weeks before our first meet. If weather is good, I am anxiously awaiting the times.

I was pretty pleased with the 150s today, even though it was cold.

Do you give your athletes full recovery between each sprint?