Critique my form please

Look at the sprinting. It is god-awful. Do you honestly expect that you’re in 4.2 video shape (which, when you go to a meet and have adrenaline, could go down as low as 4.1fat)?

I don’t say that as an insult–just giving you reality. You are clearly strong overall and you have a lot of room for improvement (which is a good thing), but forgetting the speed and just looking at things technically, it is horrific. You should be able to improve your time greatly by working on the basics and getting into a good training program. There is no reason for you to be doing blocks at this point.

  1. i only weigh 138 so while, yes, i can squat 2x my bw to parallel im still not very strong…

  2. good idea, i probably will at some point

  3. valid point

  4. i don’t wanna jack steel’s thread so ill stop talking about me… but i also had an extreme arching problem and it was because i was trying to force myself to stay lower so maybe trying too hard to stay low is contributing to your problem

Don’t worry about the insult part, I really am not getting worked up at all.

And I appreciate your advice, and I put it to use. That’s why your response to my video was that my arm swing improved. As long as I hear what’s wrong, I’ll work on it!

You are incredibly tight in areas including your lower back and you think doing good mornings is going to fix that? Come on–that is asking for trouble. Reduce your lifting intensities one. I don’t even need to see your program to have a good idea that you are doing way too much lifting to optimize sprinting. And those stretches + foam rolling as a good way to start, but the issue is tissue quality first and ROM second.

And I’m not even going to touch your last comment lol. Looks can be deceiving, but I’ll do it on the marked football turf next time (and do 50 yards) just to be safe.

I’ve seen plenty of people train and run at various levels. One of my good friends that I have trained with and seen many 30s of have a PR of 12.10 and he is, at worst, running the same speed as you do in those accels. Probably faster in fact.

I am basing my opinion on your other lifts and your sprint times. Generally, when people post squat numbers that don’t equate to all of their other training numbers, it is because of poor depth in the squat.

I cringe before asking, because somebody is going to call me a bad bad name, but by improving tissue quality, are you primarily referring to seeing a specialist? I wish I could at this point in time…

Anyways just curious but if one wanted to be timed FAT without entering a race, how would one go about doing that?

Foam roll or get Fogelson’s $20 massager.

For FAT, do frame-by-frame from first movement (first indication of movement), then add .2

You forgot one other aspect: measure the distance correctly.

lol, I can borrow one of those things that you wheel and it measures the distance for you. The track is marked at 55m and 100m, and using my 100m estimate, I predicted how many steps 55m would take and it was exactly correct. I also tested it on the marked football turf at a few distances, and it was exactly right. But you’re right, that isn’t good enough :slight_smile:

Oh jeez. Just heel-toe walk from the 110m to the 100m start then use that to determine what 10m is.

It was my pre-warmup before my jog, brah.

That is the way I see it, It’s a bit premature trying to fix problems further down the chain yet. When you get your feet right you will stay lower. Your foot will be in the position you want it in for the first footplant.

BTW try and put a few dollars away each week and buy some of Charlies material when you have saved enough.

Thanks…you actually seem like a nice person too. I appreciate your help :slight_smile:

If I buy anything it’s not going to be for a while. I shouldn’t be called a cheap ass by anybody here, because nobody here knows my life or my financial situation. I enjoy sprinting, but priorities come first. Trust me when I say I can’t put away even a dime right now…I don’t keep not one penny of my paychecks. So I truly appreciate it when nice people such as yourself actually try to give good advice because I can’t afford the resources I need right now.

Try to keep your shoulders down and relaxed when sprinting, don’t push for speed when you need to learn to run with good form first, reduce your weight lifting, work on your flexibility (e.g. hurdle walkovers).

I think you are leaning back because that’s the only way you can manage to lift your knees. This could be related to your hip injury, or simply be a result of a lack of flexibility.

Thank’s I try to be polite and curtious.

To quote David Waite(former Ncle knights coach went to England, and a nice guy) The better athletes have better motorskills, work on it first and with proper followup the rest will happen.

Me being a not so nice guy, I first met Darren Clark when he was sent to the Lower Hunter as a coach to tap into the genetic pool that was forming, a couple of us stopped developing motorskills and the pool dried up.


just work on one thing at a time. Get it right, then look for t next thing. You have too many things to think about now, you’ll get confused, and do each thing half ass’ed n get crap results or take twice as long.
Once #1 is fixed, lets say arm action, then record more footage so we can donfirm if ur arms r right. Then we can give u the thing to work on.
As has been said, fix one thing, and u may find a whole range of other issues get fixed in t process.
Now, u just got to figure out what ur gunna work on next?

My start :slight_smile: Seems like the easiest improvement to make: Front knee 90 degrees, Rear knee 130 degrees, hands slightly wider than shoulder width, hips high, fingers arched high, arms straight but not locked at the elbows, shoulders above or slightly in front of hands, breathe in, and try to lower my heel recovery (which I’m going to attempt to do by driving my knees a bit higher)

Driving your knees higher isn’t going to lower heel recovery.

What will…?
