Creatine loading


Don’t do creatine loading. It’ll give you weight gain, that’s all just retained water, and you’ll just be prone to injury.

3 grams a day is enough.

Remember, champions aren’t made overnight (at least not in track and field), so don’t be afraid of the slow road…

Loading = gastro problems (bloating, gas, diarrhea etc.) + large water retention.

Whats the rush…just go the slow way…

Totally agree with Track_man.

However, my experience has been to take 15-20gm 1.5-2hr before hand in one off sessions or competitions. I have had terrific results from this.

I never load and only consume days apart which avoids any bloating or gastro problems. I understand some of the reports from the pharma companies state that loading is a necessity…but other reports claim that this is only so you buy more product! I tend to agree.

Why not try a 500gm steak everyday rather than creatine supplements?

Well consuming and digesting a 500gr steak is something else compared to taking some pills, plus a study I had read showed that creatine from meat did not absorb as efficiently and as well as in supplement form. Like comparing some random foods protein absorption to whey protein.


No poo water…!

Loading with a clumped tablespoon has upset my stomach before. Not on the once off though.

3 grams a day seems minimal! Interesting regarding the 15-20g doses for particular sessions. Do you find that you need a lay off in order to benefit from this method? i.e. is there a maximum number of times you can do this in a given time period to get the desired affect? I don’t load, but I do take quite a load of creatine. I take 10g a day for 3 weeks at a time, then I have a week off and repeat. I have found this to help me so far. I have never had any stomach issues with this. I have been prone to hamstring pulls in the past but recently I have been more thorough in terms of stretching and made sure I am well hydrated and I have been ok, so I am fairly sure they were not related to creatine use.

You have to consume a ridiculous amount of steak to equal just 5 grams of creatine. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 lbs at least. I really think it’s upwards of 10 lbs but not positive.

If you gain water weight from creatine, then you are forced to carry around more weight than you normally would thus decreasing relative body strength or at best maintaining it. In other words, what’s the point?

Creatine makes your muscles fill with water, aka more hydrated. So I never understood how creatine dehydration was related to hamstring pulls?

Maybe people relate creatine with hamstring pulls because all of a sudden their body is 5-10lbs heavier and their musculature, namely the hamstrings, aren’t use to supporting the extra weight at high speeds? Just a thought.

Could it relate to leverage and/or higher speeds?

that would be true if the ratio of strength gained to weight gained were equal. but they are not. in my experience i ahve only gained around 3-5lbs from creatine but have noticed a dramatic increase in strength when on it, and a dramatic decrease when not on it despite only taking about 4 grams per day

I don’t know the exact mechanism or reasons why, but I thought it was widely regarded that creatine can make you prone to cramping, and if cramping in the hamstring at high velocities, that could well lead to a tear. Perhaps the water retention is elsewhere within the muscle cells???

Yea you bloat 5-10lbs, but muscle creatine levels rise 20%, so thats a good return no ?

It would depend how much strength benefit you get from the increaed level of muscle creatine. 10lbs seems a lot of water to retain, 4-5kg!!!